Examples of Strategic research in a sentence
The input comes from the Strategic research agenda of the PPP that is publicly available on the euRobotics AISBL website ( http://www.eu-robotics.net/ppp/downloads/); its content results from continuous consultation of the whole European robotics community.
The signed and scanned form should be emailed to the CFI’s Senior Programs Officer who is assigned to that institution.5.1.2 Strategic research planThe CFI requires each eligible institution to submit a strategic research plan (as either a summary (maximum of five pages) or full plan).
Strategic research portfolio anal-ysis and coordination plan.Sec.
Of further interest, the ECSS and the UMR Strategic research company report indicated that the primary reason consumers are investing in PV panels or behind the meter solutions was to manage consumption and to gain control of costs.
Cooperation under the BSS has enabled Black Sea riparian countries plus the Republic of Moldova to set a Strategic research and innovation agenda and a Common maritime agenda for the Black Sea.
Strategic research and innovation agenda for renewable heating & cooling.
Strategic research needs to determine which species of microbes are compatible and are needed and which are not.
Our legacy of expertise in IT has given way to a new position: Strategic research and advisory services operating across the entire organization.
Strategic research, through collaboration with IARCs, would include efforts to find durable sources of pest resistance.Demand driven research can include strengthening farmer organizations through NGOs to teach farmers how to do farmer-led research and extension.
Strategic research priority 6: Strengthening deep-sea scientific capacity of Authority members, in particular developing States.