Examples of Social security coverage in a sentence
Social security coverage Exemption from the obligation to pay contributions for the amount of co-financed net salary payable on the basis of the aid for job preservation paid by the Croatian Employment Service (assessed to a net salary of HRK 3,250.00 / HRK 4,000.00).
Social security coverage of state and local employees involves a complex set of laws and regulations that provide for coverage and tax withholding requirements that do not apply to private employers.
This would help in extending comprehensive Social security coverage.
Social security coverage for the contracted DCs includes benefits for health care, occupational accident, unemployment and disablement benefits, parental and sick leave.
Social security coverage provides you with retirement benefits, disability benefits, survivor benefits, and hospital insurance (Medi- care) benefits.CAUTION!Be sure to report all of your self-employment in- come.
Authority of executive director - Social security coverage for national guard employees.
Social security coverage is not terminated because the positions are later covered under an additional retirement system.
Social security coverage provides you with retirement benefits, disability benefits, survivor benefits, and hospital insurance (Medi- care) benefits.CAUTION!By not reporting all of your selfemployment in come, you could cause your social security bene fits to be lower when you retire.How to become insured under social security.
Social security coverage assumptions are also essential to determine other post-retirement benefits.
Social security coverage varies substantially by sectors of economic activity, affecting less comprehensively the activities with the highest concentration of activity of the informal sector units.