Examples of Scanning device in a sentence
Scanning device" means a scanner, reader or any other electronic device that is used to access, read, scan, obtain, memorize or store, temporarily or permanently, information encoded on the computer chip or magnetic strip or stripe of a payment card.[PL 2005, c.
FDNY personnel experiencing problems with EAM or EAM mobile scanning device or the Bluedot Mobile Scanning device infrastructure will call TSC.
Scanning device mounted on U.S. Customs Border Protection truck (left) surveys incoming containers; freight security is one of many ongoing topics for the Freight Transportation Industry Roundtable.
Scanning device" means an electronic device used to access, read, scan, or store information encoded on the magnetic strip of a payment card.
Give an example of the following: Keying device (1mk) Pointing device (1mk) Scanning device.