Safeguard measures definition

Safeguard measures means protective measures taken by a Partner State to prevent serious injury to her economy as provided under this Protocol;
Safeguard measures means the temporary imposition of a tariff or quantitative restrictions or other necessary permissible measures to prevent or remedy serious injury and to facilitate adjustments of the concerned industry;
Safeguard measures means measures imposed in accordance with Article 20 of this Protocol;

Examples of Safeguard measures in a sentence

  • Safeguard measures shall be restricted with regard to their scope and duration to what is strictly necessary in order to remedy the situation or maintain the balance of this Agreement.

  • Safeguard measures should be applied only to the extent, and for such time, as may be necessary to prevent serious injury and to facilitate adjustment.

  • Safeguard measures should include the reduction of fishing opportunities and specific conservation measures when scientific advice states that remedial measures are needed.

  • Safeguard measures would allow duties to increase on imports in which a sudden increase in volume either threatens or actually harms U.S. producers.

  • Safeguard measures adopted under the provisions of this Article shall not be subject to WTO Dispute Settlement provisions.

More Definitions of Safeguard measures

Safeguard measures means the measures applied to prevent and remedy injury caused by the increased imports.
Safeguard measures means those measures falling within the ambit of the WTO Agreement on Safeguards.
Safeguard measures means measures imposed in accordance with Article 20 of this Protocol.
Safeguard measures means the measures restricting the import of products concerned into the customs territory of the Republic of Lithuania, applied by the Republic of Lithuania, by setting safeguard import quota of the product under consideration or a safeguard duty.
Safeguard measures means measures restricting the imports into the customs territory of the Republic of Lithuania of the product in question, which are applied by the Republic of Lithuania in the form of a quota or customs duty.
Safeguard measures means the measure to be applied for prevention and remedy if the increased quantity of a product imported into the country causes or threatens to cause serious injury to the domestic industry that produces the like or directly competitive product. This expression also includes the imposition of the provisional safeguard duty, safeguard duty or quantitative restriction on imports;
Safeguard measures means Temporary imposition of Tariff or quantitative restrictions; it can also be defined as necessary measures to prevent or remedy serious injury and to facilitate adjustments and shall include an increase in tariff or quantitative restriction;