Prevailing definition

Prevailing means the most typical or customary in a partic- ular occupation for a given area. The department will decide if a wage rate is prevailing for your labor market area based on information provided by its labor market and economic analysis branch.
Prevailing means the Members voting in favour of a motion.
Prevailing means with respect to certain benefits other than wages provided by employers and certain practices engaged in by employers, that practice or benefit which is most commonly provided by employers (including H–2A and non H–2A employers) for the occupation in the area of intended employment.

Examples of Prevailing in a sentence

  • Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold DISTRICT, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claims, liabilities, costs, penalties or interest arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws.

  • A toll-free telephone number shall be established by Competitive Supplier on or before the Effective Date and shall be available for Participating Consumers to contact Competitive Supplier not later than 8:00 AM and continuing at least until 5:00 PM Eastern Prevailing Time, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays to resolve concerns, answer questions and transact business with respect to the service received from Competitive Supplier.

  • Copies may be obtained at cost at the office of County's OC Public Works/OC Facilities & Asset Management/A&E Project Management or visit the website of the Department of Industrial Relations, Prevailing Wage Unit at

  • Prevailing Wage Rate Projects: Work performed from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday to Friday, and any time Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.

  • PLEASE NOTE, with respect to Federal contracts, other requirements may apply, in which case, the highest of the federal Prevailing Wage, state Prevailing Wage and local Living Wage prevails.

More Definitions of Prevailing

Prevailing. The prevailing wage means the most outstanding or commonly paid rate for the largest number of workers enjoyed in similar work in a locality. The model rate has generally been recog- nized as that prevailing where less than a majority, but as many as 40% of the workers in similar work are paid at the same rate. Therefore, when there is a single rate at which at least 40% of the workers in similar work are employed, that rate is prevailing. In the event there is no 40% mode, the prevailing rate may be determined by using the average or median wage as the standard for comparison, based on the best information available. The prevailing starting rate should be obtained in the same manner as the prevailing rate. The mode, must of necessity, be used in determining the prevailing conditions of work when fringe benefits are involved, since fringe benefits cannot be measured in numbers and cannot be averaged.
Prevailing means prevailing on the merits in a final adjudication of a claim brought hereunder, regardless of whether a settlement has been offered and rejected by either party. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Letter Agreement.
Prevailing means the most typical or customary in a particular occupation for a given area. ((Whether)) The department will decide if a wage rate is prevailing for your labor market area ((will be determined)) based on informa- tion provided by ((the department's)) its labor market and economic analysis branch.
Prevailing means the most typical or customary in a particular occupation for a given area. Whether a wage rate is prevailing for your labor market area will be determined based on information provided by the department's labor market and economic analysis branch.
Prevailing party" within the meaning of this Section 13.10 includes, without a party who agrees to dismiss an Action upon the other party's payment of all or a portion of the sums allegedly due or performance of the covenants allegedly breached, or who obtains substantially the relief sought by it.
Prevailing. Party, as determined by the arbitrators, shall be entitled to (i) its share of fees and expenses of the arbitrators and (ii) its attorneys’ fees and associated costs and expenses. In determining which Party “prevailed,” the arbitrators shall consider (i) the significance, including the financial impact, of the claims prevailed upon and (ii) the scope of claims prevailed upon, in comparison to the total scope of the claims at issue. If the arbitrators determine that, given the scope of the arbitration, neither Party “prevailed,” the arbitrators shall order that the Parties (i) share equally the fees and expenses of the arbitrators and (ii) bear their own attorneys’ fees and associated costs and expenses.
Prevailing as it relates to “factor” means the primary factor, in relation to any other factor.