Examples of Mountainous terrain in a sentence
Mountainous terrain in the east of Abu Dhabi runs along the Oman border.
Trip Insurance, while not required, is highly recommended due to the nature of the industry: Mountainous terrain, in Colorado, in the wintertime.
Design ElementsNOTES:(1) AASHTO "Mountainous" terrain design guides may be used on Federal-aid projects only with Iowa DOT concurrence.
Mtn – Mountainous terrain flight time acquired in this MM&S at and below 1000 feet within designated mountainous areas defined by 14 CFR 95 Subpart B, 12 mo – Flight time in this MM&S within the previous 12 calendar months, Hours – PIC time in this MM&S.
It will be basis maps and location services the app has access to (like Google maps).Premium for Mountainous terrain will be higher, because of higher risk of travel in these areas.
Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions.
Mountainous terrain forms a significant divide between the areas along the N4 and the remainder of the LM area.
Mountainous terrain may force the enemy to concentrate his forces along roads, valleys, reverse slopes, and deep defiles, where CAS is very effective.
Mountainous terrain is a condition where longitudinal and transverse changes in elevation of the ground with respect to the road are abrupt and where the roadbed is obtained by frequent benching or side hill excavation.
Mountainous terrain poses great challenges to combat service support (CSS) forces and complicates sustaining operations.