Modes of Transport definition

Modes of Transport means travel by any means by Air, Water, Rail, Road for the purpose of transporting/commuting from one place to another by common carrier or private vehicle.In case of travelling through common carrier, insured should have to pay a fare for availing such means for transportation. Insured is also covered as a pedestrian during trip as per the plan opted.
Modes of Transport means carriage of goods by road, railway, inland waterway or by sea or by air.

Examples of Modes of Transport in a sentence

  • Services Auxiliary to all Modes of Transport* (excluding respective auxiliary services for space transport and pipeline transport).

  • This document refers to the „on board notation‟ requirements of a Transport Document Covering at Least Two Different Modes of Transport (i.e., Multimodal or Combined Transport Document), Bills of Lading, Sea Waybills and Charter Party Bills of Lading.

  • Training entitled: “Solids Handling” – Total expenses for registration ($390.00) estimated not to exceed $390.00.Gary Partin: One (1) day – Mason, Ohio – Walter’s Environmental Consulting, Inc.

  • Similarly, the secular Kashmiriyat nationalism espoused by moderate Kashmiri political leaders is seen by Lashkar as corrupting and evil.

  • UN/CEFACT has also developed a range of other recommendations related to codes for international trade transactions, such as Recommendation Number 19 - Codes for Modes of Transport; Recommendation Number 20 - Codes for Units of Measurement used in International Trade.

  • Increase the participating schools STARS accreditation and annually updating the Borough’s Sustainable Modes of Transport strategy addressing travel associated with schools.

  • The Toturas purchased their home on August 10, 1998 with a mortgage through America’s Wholesale Lender, a fictitious name for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., which was purchased by Bank of America in 2009.

  • In 2013, the US and EU signed an Implementing Arrangement (February 2013), covering Cooperative Activities in the Field of Research, Development, Technology, and Innovation Applied to all Modes of Transport.

  • The CDWG Chairman introduced the revision of Recommendation No. 19: Codes for Modes of Transport, revised to conform with the new Recommendation 28: Codes for Types of Means of Transport.

  • Further, UN/CEFACT approved two revised Recommendations on codes: Recommendation 19: Codes for Modes of Transport, and Recommendation 20: Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade.

Related to Modes of Transport

  • means of transport means rail transport, road freight transport, inland waterway transport, maritime transport, air transport, and intermodal transport;

  • Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation means the regulations in 49 CFR Parts 100-189.

  • In the course of transportation means in the course of transportation within the United States, or in the course of transportation outside the United States and any other nation, including handling or temporary storage incidental

  • Department of Transportation means the United States Department of Transportation and any agency or instrumentality of the United States government succeeding to its functions.

  • Deed of Transfer means the notarial deed of transfer for the Shares, substantially in the form as attached hereto as Schedule 3;

  • Date of Transfer means the date of registration of transfer of the Property into the name of the Purchaser in the Deeds Registry in Pietermaritzburg;

  • Transporter(s) means all Gas gathering or pipeline companies, or local distribution companies, acting in the capacity of a transporter, transporting Gas for Seller or Buyer upstream or downstream, respectively, of the Delivery Point pursuant to a particular transaction.

  • Notice of Transfer With regard to Distressed Mortgage Loans that will become Transferred Mortgage Loans, the notice given by the related Prior Servicer (if such Prior Servicer is Aurora) to the Master Servicer, the applicable Custodian, the Trustee and the Special Servicer or by the Master Servicer (if the related Prior Servicer(s) are not Aurora) to the Prior Servicer(s), the applicable Custodian, the Trustee and the Special Servicer, in each case substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto.

  • Air-purifying respirator means a respirator with an air-purifying filter, cartridge, or canister that removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through the air-purifying element.

  • Tool of Trade means:a Vehicle that has tools, implements, machinery or plant attached to or towed by the Vehicle and is being used by You at Your premises or on any Worksite. Tool of Trade does not include any Vehicle whilst travelling to or from a Worksite or Vehicles that are used to carry goods to or from any premises.

  • Letter of Transmittal means the letter of transmittal to be prepared by the Company and sent to all Holders of the Notes for use by such Holders in connection with the Exchange Offer.

  • Transport means the most efficient and available method of conveyance. In all cases, where practical, economy fare will be utilized. If possible, the Insured’s Common Carrier tickets will be used.

  • international air transport means air transport that passes through the airspace over the territory of more than one State;

  • Gas Transporter means the licensed operator of the transportation network through which gas is transported to you;

  • Maritime cargo handling services means activities exercised by stevedore companies, including terminal operators, but not including the direct activities of dockers, when this workforce is organised independently of the stevedoring or terminal operator companies. The activities covered include the organisation and supervision of:

  • LNG means liquefied natural gas.

  • Severe forms of trafficking in persons means— (1) Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or

  • Household waste means any solid waste (including garbage, trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas).

  • Transporter means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of hazardous waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

  • Slug loading means any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants, released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration as to cause interference in the POTW.

  • Loading Zone means a parking stall which is set aside for use by commercial vehicles if there is a sign referable to that stall marked ‘Loading Zone’;

  • Ships means any or all of them;

  • Freight Forwarder means that term as defined in 49 USC 13102.

  • International air transportation means transportation by air between a place in the United States and a place outside the United States or between two places both of which are outside the United States.

  • Customer Care Centre means a department or a section or a facility established under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 25 by the distributor of television for addressing service requests, answering queries, recording of complaints, and redressal of grievances of consumers, by telephonic or electronic means or by any other means.