Examples of Huaneng Group in a sentence
There is no actual settlement relationship between the Company and its connected persons (including Huaneng Group and its subsidiaries and associates), and the transaction amount is determined according to the contractual terms of both parties to the transaction.
As at the date of publication of this announcement, Huaneng Group holds a 75% direct interest and a 25% indirect interest in HIPDC, while HIPDC, being the direct controlling shareholder of the Company, holds a 32.28% interest in the Company.
Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxx, Xx Xxx and Xxxx Xx, all being Directors of the Board being regarded as having a material interest in the continuing connected transactions given their management positions in Huaneng Group or its associate, abstained from voting on the Board resolutions relating to the execution of such agreements.
The Board has considered and approved the Huaneng Group Framework Agreement and the transactions and estimates of relevant caps of the transactions under such agreement.
Huaneng Group also holds a 9.91% direct interest in the Company and holds a 3.01% indirect interest in the Company through its wholly-owned subsidiary Huaneng HK, a 0.84% indirect interest in the Company through China Huaneng Group Treasury Management (Hong Kong) Limited, its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, and a 0.39% indirect interest in the Company through its controlling subsidiary Huaneng Finance.