Examples of Groundwater User in a sentence
Groundwater use acre – Groundwater use acre means an acre of land that a Groundwater User wants to apply groundwater to, pursuant to these rules and regulations.
Municipal User means a Groundwater User that is an incorporated city or village, rural water district or sanitary improvement district that withdraws groundwater from a water well to serve its customers.
Agricultural User means a Groundwater User that uses groundwater for irrigation, recreation, wildlife or any uses that require the application of groundwater to the surface of the land.
Other User means a Groundwater User that uses groundwater for purposes other than those described in the definitions of agricultural and Municipal Users.
Although the state in these three countries has reestablished its ownership over water, in practice it established a system to administer water rights, in particular in the face of water scarcity, and the question of possible compensation for ancient rights is still partly pending.In Spain this has been accompanied by an obligation to form Groundwater User Associations where groundwater is considered to be overexploited, also showing an intent to co-manage resources.
A Groundwater User that fails to report, or falsely reports Groundwater withdrawal, removes a seal from a Flowmeter, damages or interferes with the operation of a Flowmeter, neglects to perform required maintenance, or allows another person to do so, shall be subject to forfeiture of Allocation according to conditions set by the Board and the enforcement of these Rules and Regulations pursuant to Chapter 4.
When the control of an Other User’s withdrawal is transferred to a different Groundwater User during a Groundwater Use Period, the remaining Allocation balance for the Groundwater Use Period shall also be transferred to the new Groundwater User.APPENDIX A Well Permit Ranking System MethodologyGoal: The goal of the Well Permit Ranking System Methodology is to allow High Capacity Well development throughout the District without creating impacts, conflicts or interference with neighboring Water Well users.
The Groundwater User shall be responsible for maintenance, repair and/or replacement of an improperly installed or malfunctioning Flowmeter.
The staff report and notice of intent to issue a cease-and-desist order shall be provided to the Groundwater User, Landowner, or Operator by hand delivery, or via certified mail, return receipt requested, and by postage prepaid, First-Class U.S. Mail.
Scoring only includes teaching under taken in the last three years.