Examples of Federal lands highway in a sentence
Exclusion of agency participation.— In accordance with subparagraph (A), all funds for a program or project to which sub- paragraph (A) applies shall be paid to the In- dian tribal government without regard to the organizational level at which the De- partment of the Interior has previously car- ried out, or the Department of Transpor- tation has previously carried out under the Federal lands highway programs, the pro- grams, functions, services, or activities in- volved.
For additional questions on PPP loan forgiveness and the impact to Federal-aid or Federal lands highway program funded contracts, contact Dan Parker from the Office of Financial and Management Programs at 801-955-3518 or by email at danial.parker@dot.gov.
The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way except to the extent that specific statutory and regulatory provisions mandate actions pertaining to the treatment of costs for A&E services under a Federal-aid or Federal lands highway program funded contract.
The following applies when an A&E consultant’s PPP loan is partially or completely forgiven: • A&E consultants cannot use PPP loan proceeds to pay for the direct costs on a Federal- aid or Federal lands highway program funded contract.
Manage and oversee the Federal lands highway program internal research entities that inform the formulation of research proposals for FHWA and Department consideration.
Lead Federal lands highway program research development and deployment efforts in coordination with applicable HFL division office staff and FHWA program offices.
Standard Construction Specifications: Oversees and contributes to the development and maintenance of standard specifications for the construction of roads and bridges on Federal lands highway projects and for use by other agencies, industry, and foreign countries.
The emphasis placed on their education is enshrined in Act No. 115 of 1994, or General Education Act, which was the outcome of a broad-ranging campaign among public opinion.
Under Federal/local matching requirements, local share may now be derived from other non-DOT Federal programs that are eligible to be expended for transportation, as well as Federal lands highway funding.
Construction Policies and Procedures: Oversees and contributes to the development and maintenance of construction engineering policies, procedures, standards, and guides for use on Federal lands highway projects and for use by other Federal Agencies.