Emergency planning zone definition

Emergency planning zone means a geographic area surrounding a specific facility for which special planning and preparedness efforts are carried out to ensure that prompt and effective protective actions can reduce or minimize the impact of releases of radioactive material to public health and safety or to the environment.
Emergency planning zone means an area surrounding a nuclear facility for which planning is needed to assure that prompt and effective actions can be taken to protect the public in the event of an accident at the facility. Each nuclear facility shall have, as a minimum a plume exposure pathway planning zone consisting of an area of approximately 10 miles radius surrounding the facility and an ingestion exposure pathway planning zone consisting of an area approximately 50 miles in radius surrounding the facility.
Emergency planning zone means the area surrounding the nuclear installation grounds or category IV workplace in which, based on radiation extraordinary event analysis and assessment, the requirements for preparation for taking urgent protective action, other measures to protect the general public as a result of the expected exceedance of reference levels and other measures to protect the general public apply (Section 4(1)(k)).

Examples of Emergency planning zone in a sentence

  • The establishment’s owners, managers, or employees who are displaying a valid individual identification card issued to that person; b.

  • The various barriers to release of radioactivity in case of accident are shown in figure 1.• Exclusion zone around plant of radius 1 km, where no habitation or productive settlements exist, with access under the complete control of the plant management.• The sterilised zone (SZ) of radius 5 km around the plant, which could be quickly evacuatedin response to the emergency.• Emergency planning zone (EPZ) of 16 km radius for extended planning in case of severe accidental releases.

  • The EPZs for Compton’s proposed wells are outlined in Figure A4-1.1.Figure 2-5 Emergency planning zone for proposed Compton Petroleum Corporation wells outside Calgary (EUB, 2005a) The EUB held seven information sessions in the public hearing process in 2003 for community residents within the calcu- lated EPZ.

  • Conduct a hazard analysis of any contiguous or nearby facility, such as industrial, military, and transportation facilities, and include any credible hazard into the licensee’s emergency preparedness program that would adversely impact the implementation of emergency plans.(3) Emergency planning zone.

  • Otherwise, they are implemented by the organizations themselves.80 A big question in this framework is how far the organizations concerned may be said to be “representative” of the workers.

More Definitions of Emergency planning zone

Emergency planning zone means the precautionary action zone (PAZ) and the urgent protective action planning zone (UPZ);
Emergency planning zone means a circular area, the centre and radius of which is to be proposed by the applicant within the proceedings for approval of the emergency area size or changes thereof,
Emergency planning zone means a geographic area surrounding a specific facility for which
Emergency planning zone means a geographical area that encompasses all the hazard planning zones for an oil and gas activity that is the subject of a plan;
Emergency planning zone means a plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone, as described in 10 C.F.R. § 50.47(c)(2).

Related to Emergency planning zone

  • Contingency plan means a document setting out an organized, planned, and coordinated course of action to be followed in case of a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents which could threaten human health or the environment.

  • Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act means the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013);

  • Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.

  • Water quality standards means provisions of state or federal law which consist of a designated use or uses for the waters of the Commonwealth and water quality criteria for such waters based upon such uses. Water quality standards are to protect the public health or welfare, enhance the quality of water and serve the purposes of the State Water Control Law (§ 62.1-44.2 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and the federal Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1251 et seq.).

  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards or “NAAQS” means national ambient air quality standards that are promulgated pursuant to Section 109 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7409.

  • Clean water standards, as used in this clause, means any enforceable limitation, control, condition, prohibition, standard, or other requirement promulgated under the Water Act or contained in a permit issued to a discharger by the Environmental Protection Agency or by a State under an approved program, as authorized by Section 402 of the Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1342), or by local government to ensure compliance with pre-treatment regulations as required by Section 307 of the Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317).

  • Community Accountability Planning Submission means the HSP Board approved planning document submitted by the HSP to the Funder. The form, content and scheduling of the Planning Submission will be identified by the Funder;

  • Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.

  • Rodenticide means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate rodents or any other vertebrate animal which the director of the state department of agriculture may declare by regulation to be a pest.

  • Waste Disposal Site means a Waste Disposal Site which is not a Hauled Sewage Disposal Site, a Sewage Works or a Waste Stabilization Pond; and

  • Clean Water Act or "CWA" means the federal Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1251 et seq.), formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500, as amended by Public Law 95-217, Public Law 95-576, Public Law 96-483, and Public Law 97-117, or any subsequent revisions thereto.

  • Solid Waste Disposal Site means, as defined in NCGS 130A-290(a)(36), any place at which solid wastes are disposed of by incineration, sanitary landfill, or any other method.

  • TSCA means the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended.

  • Stormwater management planning agency means a public body authorized by legislation to prepare stormwater management plans.

  • Fungicide means any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any fungi.

  • Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework or “IPPF” means the indigenous peoples planning framework for the Investment Program, including any update thereto, agreed between the Borrower and ADB and incorporated by reference in the FFA;