Examples of Electricity Act consent in a sentence
For our research activities performed in the public interest, including surveys with schools, we rely on ‘public task’.
The 2017 Regulations define application for multi-stage consent as follows: “an application for approval, consent or agreement required by a condition included in an Electricity Act consent where (in terms of the condition) that approval, consent or agreement must be obtained from the Scottish Ministers before all or part of the development permitted by the Electricity Act consent may be begun” (as per Regulation 2(1)).
Development Description: The condition which requires to be discharged relate to Condition 23 (Traffic Management Plan) for Electricity Act consent 09/0132/EB, which relates to the erection of a 132kvkv transmission line carried by lattice steel towers between the existing(newly built) Coylton substation and the proposed Blackhill substation near Afton.
Guidance on consents policy with regard to carbon capture readiness (CCR) was published in November 2009 in a document entitled “Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) - A guidance note for Section 36 Electricity Act consent applications” (URN09D/810)1.
These included functions inrelation to preparation of Regional Marine Plans, marine licensing, and Section 36 of the Electricity Act consent for offshore energy generation.
The purpose of this report is to provide the SoS (BEIS) with the Council’s views on an application to amend the s36 (Electricity Act) consent and deemed planning permission for the TGP facility.
Section 36 (Electricity Act) consent and deemed planning permission was granted in 2011 (and subsequently amended in 2014) for the construction and operation of a new gas-fired power station on part of the London Gateway logistics park site.
The condition which requires to be discharged relate to Condition 17 (Traffic Management Plan) for Electricity Act consent 09/0135/EB, which compries the erection of a 132kvkv transmission line approximately 10.6km in length, supported on 138 wood poles ranging in height from 9.5m to 12.5m extending from the new substation on the B741 to the Dersalloch wind farm.
This subsection applies where— 35 (a) the person also requires consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act (consent for construction etc.
TSP formulations were also studied by the same group at the University of Washington.