Examples of Corporation Staff in a sentence
The Applicant acknowledges that any funding preliminarily secured by the Applicant is expressly conditioned upon any independent review, analysis and verification of all information contained in this Application that may be conducted by the Corporation, the successful completion of credit underwriting, and all necessary approvals by the Board of Directors, Corporation or other legal counsel, the Credit Underwriter, and Corporation Staff.
Solely for the purpose of expediency, the Investment Officer or the Corporation Staff Accountant, if permitted by the Investment Officer, may orally communicate the investment decision to the Investment Agent.
The Applicant acknowledges that the Corporation may conduct its own independent review, analysis and verification of all information contained in this Application and that any funding preliminarily secured by the Applicant is expressly conditioned upon such verification, the successful completion of credit underwriting, all necessary approvals by the Board of Directors, Corporation legal counsel, Bond Counsel, if applicable, the Credit Underwriter, and Corporation Staff.
However despite the existence of all these recruitment practices, the performance of most of the employees in this organisation has been reported to be unsatisfactory and below acceptable standards (National water and Sewerage Corporation, Staff Annual Performance Report, 2016).
If an extension is needed, a written request substantiating the need for the extension must be provided to the Corporation prior to the sixty (60) day initial deadline, subject to approval by the Credit Underwriter and the Corporation Staff.
Authorize the Corporation Staff to proceed with all actions necessary for the sale of bonds of pending multifamily issues, which have satisfied the requirements for funding.
The study will focus on the period between 2011 and 2016 since deteriorating employee job performance in National water and Sewerage Corporation Jinja Area is documented during this period (National water and Sewerage Corporation, Staff Annual Performance Report, 2011).
Corporation Staff or the Applicant may request a review of an approval decision by a Hearing Panel within ten business days after release of the decision.
G.S.R. 481 (E), dated the 7th July, 2021, publishing the Life Insurance Corporation (Staff) Second Amendment Rules, 2021.
The District Council, or a Sub-Committee of the District Council comprised of three industry members and established pursuant to Rule 11, may delegate the power to approve or refuse proficiency exemptions to Corporation Staff.