Examples of Accrediting entity in a sentence
Accrediting entity review of adop- tion case files pursuant to paragraph (a) shall be limited to Convention adoption case files, except that, in the case of first-time applicants for accred- itation or approval, the accrediting en- tity may review adoption case files re- lated to non-Convention cases for pur- poses of assessing the agency’s or per- son’s capacity to comply with record- keeping and data-management stand- ards in subpart F of this part.
The accrediting entity must also notify the relevant State licensing authority as provided in the agreement.§ 96.78 Accrediting entity procedures to terminate adverse action.(a) The accrediting entity must maintain internal petition procedures, approved by the Secretary, to give accredited agencies and approved persons an opportunity to terminate adverse actions on the grounds that the deficiencies necessitating the adverse action have been corrected.
You must use the following namingconvention for your certificate(s): [Issuer ID]-[Name of Accrediting entity]- Accreditation.
Accrediting entity review of adop- tion case files pursuant to paragraph (a) shall be limited to Convention adoption case files and cases subject to the UAA, except that, in the case of first-time applicants for accreditation or approval, the accrediting entity may review adoption case files related to other non-Convention cases for pur- poses of assessing the agency’s or per- son’s capacity to comply with record- keeping and data-management stand- ards in subpart F of this part.
The basic principle of SIR is to reverse the role of Y and X and to study the geometric property of the first inverse moment E(X|Y ) ; see for instance Li (1991), Chen and Li (1998), Zhu et al.