Students and Parents Sample Clauses

Students and Parents. Please read and initial the policy and guidelines defined below and complete all of the questions, with signatures, before you purchase tickets. This form must be turned in when tickets are purchased.
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Students and Parents. Guardians acknowledge that: • Future International School is authorized to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing technology or technical problems. • Future International School is authorized to collect and examine any device that is suspected of a cyber-attack or virus infection. • Students are prohibited from processing or accessing information while on school property related to “hacking”, altering, or bypassing network security policies. • Students may not attempt to use any software, utilities or other means to access internet sites or content that is blocked by the school’s internet/firewall filters. • Students and parents should be aware that devices are subject to search by school administrators if the device is suspected of a violation of the student code of conduct. If the device is locked or password protected the student will be required to unlock the device at the request of a school administrator. • Personal devices must be charged prior to school and run on battery power while at school. Charging of devices will not be permitted at FIS during school hours on school property. • Future International School will not provide repair services or software installations on any student devices. • Students should only be connected to the student network that is designated for them while on school property.
Students and Parents. In relation to their personal information, the College's sole purpose of collection is to enable the College to provide tutoring for the student. This includes satisfying the needs of Parents, the needs of the student and the needs of the College throughout the whole period the student is enrolled at the College. In particular, the purposes for which the College uses personal information of students and Parents include: • to keep Parents informed about matters related to their child's study, through correspondence, newsletters and magazines; • day-to-day administration of the College; • looking after students' educational, social and medical wellbeing; • seeking marketing for the College; and • to satisfy the College's legal obligations and allow the College to discharge its duty of care.
Students and Parents. At Sunbury Heights Primary School, we expect everyone to use technology safely and respectfully. Students have access to a number of devices including; their own XO, laptops and iPads. Wireless connection allows students to access and use information from the Internet. Before students start using technology at school there are a few very important things they need to know and we ask that they semi-formally make a usage agreement. Please read the following information to your child and explain to them that writing their name where indicated means that they agree to use technology safely and respectfully. Using technology is a great way to learn, however, you must be careful, and keep yourself and others safe. You must:  keep passwords and log-on details private  use only your first name (do not give out your last name, phone number or address)  be polite and kind to others (everything you do on the Internet can eventually be tracked back to you)  respect other people’s work (never change or delete work done by others)  use the Internet for learning only (when you are at school you must only use school related websites, you must not view or download anything which is not directly related to your work)  tell a teacher immediately if you accidentally access an inappropriate website or if you do something that could be ‘wrong’. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe tell a teacher  let a teacher know if someone else accidentally accesses an inappropriate website or does something that could be ‘wrong’  write where work or pictures you have downloaded came from (copyright is important – be aware of what you can and can’t use from the Internet)  work to help others (avoid causing problems that teachers and technical staff have to fix)  keep our network virus free Access to technology at school will mean that you will have many opportunities to work with other students and every student in the school will have access to a camera and video. This significantly increases the possibility of work and images being shared. You must;  ask for permission before taking a photo or video of someone or their work  ensure that you do not publish (in any form, including social media) the photo, video or work of any other students or staff member If you do not keep to this agreement, or your use of technology negatively impacts on the rights of others there will be consequences. Most likely your use of technology will be restricted or you will be banned completely for a ...
Students and Parents. Carers • All students in Years 7-12 are expected to bring a computing device to school each day. • This device must be: - An assigned device supplied as part of the Digital Education Revolution program, or - A personal device meets Illawarra Sports High Schools Device Specification. • The personal device must be able to be brought to school on each and every school day and be solely the student’s to use throughout the school day. • Students and Parents are responsible for ensuring the device brought to school meets all the requirements of the Device Specification. A device which does not meet the Specification will not be permitted access to school networks and services. • Students requiring the use of an alternate device, for medical or therapeutic reasons, which does not meet the Device Specification must apply for and receive an exemption from the Specification before bringing a such device. The application should state the reason for the request for exemption. • Prior to bringing a personal device for the first time, students and their parents must read and sign the BYOD User Charter which sets out the responsibilities and expectations for use of the personal device at Illawarra Sports High School. • Students must use their device in accordance with the school's Cyber Safety Policy, the Department of Education and Communities’ policy Online Communication Services: Acceptable Use for Students (PD/2002/0046/V04) and the BYOD User Charter. • Students must follow teachers' directions as to appropriate use of their devices in class. • Each student is absolutely and solely responsible for the care and conduct of his own personal device whilst: - At school or at other school activities. - Travelling to and from school or to and from other school activities • Students must connect their device to the designated wireless data network supplied by Illawarra Sports High School using their own, individual user account credentials only. Students must not connect to any other network, wired, wireless or cellular. Students must not bridge the Illawarra Sports High School designated network to any other network.
Students and Parents. Students and parents have access to Pulse but only to participate in surveys. There are no administration rights for these roles. Staff and student accounts Account creation Staff and student accounts are created in Pulse either through a fully automated process involving an integration with the district SIS or manually through the administration panel within Pulse. Once the user data has been loaded, Pulse takes over and does the rest. Invitations to create a Pulse account are automatically sent along with reminders to those who haven't completed the account setup. Pulse's administration panel shows how many invites are still pending and offers the option to resend invites and add more users. Parent accounts Account creation Where parent data is not available from the parent roster, through an SIS integration the parent can easily create their own Pulse account and link to their child's school through an automated process. Parents can create their Pulse account using either their email address or mobile phone number. Signing up is a simple process that creates their account and enables them to access it through the route they choose. Signup via mobile phone Signup via email Login via mobile phone Login via email Parent accounts School linking To join another school a unique code is used. Provided by the school, the code is used by the parent following a simple process within their Pulse account. Once linked, the parent gets prompted by Pulse when a survey is due for each school. Parent accounts are not linked solely to one school. When a parent has children at multiple schools, Pulse allows them to easily link their account to each school. The dashboards Dashboards show pillars, trends and groups for staff and students by school or across the district. Parent pillars and trends can also be selected. Filtering between views is managed through a simple dropdown selection. User permissions dictate which dashboard views can be seen. Pillars overview This view shows at a glance the current average pillar scores for the district or school for either staff, students or parents. Color-coded results give quick visual indicators of areas of focus. Charts are interactive and allow users to click on any pillar and see the details of the data behind it. At a district level, further data shows the highest and lowest performing schools in the district along with participation and response rate statistics. Where schools are grouped e.g. North side, South side users can f...
Students and Parents. Scope and Purpose This policy details specific requirements for the use of all computing and network resources at the EAPS, including electronics and information. Information resources and technology at the EAPS support the educational, patient care, instructional, research, and administrative activities of the EAPS, and the use of these resources is a privilege that is extended to members of the EAPS community. As a user of these services and facilities, you have access to valuable EAPS resources and internal and external networks. Consequently, you need to behave in a responsible, ethical, and legally compliant manner. In general, acceptable use means ensuring that the information resources and technology of the EAPS are used for their intended purposes while respecting the rights of other computer users, the integrity of the physical facilities, the confidentiality of data, information, and information assets, and all pertinent license and contractual agreements. If an individual violates the Acceptable Use Policy, the school may take disciplinary action, including network privilege restrictions and possible loss, or more serious consequences, up to and including suspension or expulsion from the school. Individuals may also be subject to local laws that govern many of the abuses that occur on school networks and the Internet. These policies and laws are subject to change as UAE and MOE laws evolve. Staff, parents, and students collaborated to update this AUP. 10 Rules for class’s Internet Safety Policy
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Students and Parents. This Agreement must be read, signed , and returned before beginning any FLVS class. Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature Date 5/30/16 Name of Virtual Course Semester 1 Semester 2 Full Year Date Registered for Course Username Password Name of Virtual Course Semester 1 Semester 2 Full Year
Students and Parents must sign and return this agreement prior to any use of School District technologies. By signing this agreement, I accept and agree to abide by the Centennial Schools Acceptable Use Policy. I realize that the primary purpose of using School District technologies is educational. I will limit my usage to educational purposes that further educational goals consistent with the mission and policies of the School District. I understand that use of School District electronic technologies is a privilege, not a right. Access may be revoked at any time by the School District, as it sees fit. Inappropriate use will result in suspension or cancellation of use and/or access privileges; payments for damages and repairs; discipline under other appropriate School District policies, including suspension, expulsion, exclusion, or termination of employment; or civil or criminal liability under other applicable laws. I will not use School District electronic technologies to engage in any behavior that is illegal, inappropriate, destructive or harmful. I recognize that, even though the School District uses technical means to limit student Internet access, these limits do not provide a foolproof means to prevent access to all inappropriate information. It is my responsibility to avoid such information and inform my instructor immediately if I accidentally access any inappropriate content or information. I understand that my use of School District electronic technologies is not private and that all of my activity, transmissions, documents, posts etc., are subject to review and monitoring by School District personnel. I release the School District from any liability resulting from actions I take while using School District electronic technologies including unwanted financial obligations. The School District may provide personal accounts for communication, document sharing and access to educational tools. Any access I am granted to personal accounts through the School District must meet all of these criteria, or my privilege of use will be forfeited. STUDENT Student ID: Student’s Full Name (Please Print): Student’s Signature: Date: PARENT OR GUARDIAN Parent or Guardian’s Name:
Students and Parents. In relation to personal information of students and Parents, the School's primary purpose of collection is to enable the School to provide schooling to students enrolled at the School (including educational and support services for the student), exercise its duty of care and perform necessary associated administrative activities which will enable students to take part in all the activities of the School. This includes satisfying the needs of Parents, the needs of the student and the needs of the School throughout the whole period the student is enrolled at the School. The purposes for which the School uses personal information of students and Parents include:  to keep Parents informed about matters related to their child's schooling, through correspondence, newsletters and magazines  day-to-day administration of the School  looking after students' educational, social and medical wellbeing  seeking donations and marketing for the School  to satisfy the School's legal obligations and allow the School to discharge its duty of care  to satisfy the School service providers' legal obligations, including the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) and the Catholic Education Offices. In some cases where the School requests personal information about a student or Parent, if the information requested is not provided, the School may not be able to enrol or continue the enrolment of the student or permit the student to take part in a particular activity.
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