Common use of INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS Clause in Contracts

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 6 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 2 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 3 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 4 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 5 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 6 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 7 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 8 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 9 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 10 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 11 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 6 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement, Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 12 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 13 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 14 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 15 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 16 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 17 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 18 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 19 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 20 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 21 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 4 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 6 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 7 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 8 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 9 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 10 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 11 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 12 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 13 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 14 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 15 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 21 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 22 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 23 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 24 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 25 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 26 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 27 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 28 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 29 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 30 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Agreement,,

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 19 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 20 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 21 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 22 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 23 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 24 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 25 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 26 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 27 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 28 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement,

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 12 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 13 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 14 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 15 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 16 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 17 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 18 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 19 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 20 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 21 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement, 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 14 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 15 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 16 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 17 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 18 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 19 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 20 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 21 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 22 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 23 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement,

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 28 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 29 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 30 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 31 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 32 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 33 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 34 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 35 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 36 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 37 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 14 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 15 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 16 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 17 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 18 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 19 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 20 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 21 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 22 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 23 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 3 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 32 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 33 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 34 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 35 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 36 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 37 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 1 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 2 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 3 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 4 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.. 5 //

Appears in 3 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 6 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 7 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 8 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 9 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 10 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 11 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 12 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 13 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement14 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 15 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 30 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 31 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 32 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 33 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 34 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 35 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 36 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 37 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 1 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 2 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.. 3 //

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 33 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 34 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 35 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 36 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 37 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 1 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 2 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 3 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 4 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 5 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to the 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including but 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 16 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making transcripts 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement18 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 19 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 27 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 28 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 29 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 30 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 31 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 32 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 33 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 34 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 35 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 36 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.. 37 //

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement,

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 24 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 25 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 26 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 27 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 28 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 29 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 30 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 31 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 32 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 33 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 27 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 28 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 29 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 30 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 31 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 32 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 33 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 34 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 35 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 36 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.. 37 //

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 6 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 7 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 8 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 9 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 10 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 11 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 12 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 13 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 14 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 15 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 35 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 36 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 37 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 1 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 2 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 3 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 4 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 5 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 6 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 7 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 8 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 9 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 10 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 11 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 12 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 13 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 14 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 15 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement16 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 17 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 2 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 3 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 4 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 5 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 6 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 7 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 8 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 9 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 10 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 11 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 23 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 24 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 25 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 26 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 27 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 28 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 29 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 30 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 31 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 32 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement,

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 35 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 36 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 37 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 1 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 2 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 3 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 4 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 5 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 6 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 7 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 37 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 1 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 2 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 3 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 4 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 5 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 6 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 7 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 8 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 9 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement,

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 14 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized 15 representative 11 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and 16 Human Services, 12 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized 17 representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, 18 documents, and records, including 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant 19 accounting systems, medical and Client 15 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement20 Contract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, 21 evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the 22 Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable 23 times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in 24 which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 31 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 32 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 33 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 34 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 35 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 36 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 37 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 1 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 2 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 3 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 32 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 33 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 34 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 35 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 36 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 37 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 1 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 2 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 3 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 4 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement,

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 25 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 26 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 27 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 clientClient records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of 1 responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.Maintenance

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 33 A. ADMINISTRATORAdministrator, any authorized representative of COUNTYCounty, any authorized representative 11 of the State 34 of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 the 35 Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 36 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 37 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 1 records, of CONTRACTOR Contractor that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 2 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 3 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement4 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 5 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 8 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 9 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 10 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 11 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 12 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 13 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 14 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 15 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 16 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 17 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 14 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 15 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 16 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 17 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 18 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 19 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 20 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 8 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 9 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 10 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 11 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, 12 including 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical 13 and Client 15 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of 14 responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or 15 making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and 16 Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or 17 otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are 18 provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 35 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 36 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 37 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 1 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 2 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 3 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 4 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 5 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 6 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 7 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract


INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 13 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 14 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 financial statements, general 15 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have 16 access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general 17 ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 client records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly 18 pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an 19 audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth 20 in the Records and Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may may, 21 with prior written notice, at all reasonable times times, upon prior written notice, inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 22 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 2 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 to 3 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 4 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 5 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 6 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 7 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 8 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 9 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 10 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 11 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 33 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 34 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 35 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have 36 access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general 37 23 of 2733 1 ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 client records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly 2 pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an 3 audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth 4 in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all 5 reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the 6 premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 4 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 5 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 6 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 7 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 8 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 9 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 10 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 11 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 12 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 13 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.. 14 //

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 33 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 34 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 35 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 36 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 37 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 1 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 2 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 3 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement4 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 5 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: Master Services Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 3 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 4 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 5 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 6 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 7 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 8 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 9 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 10 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 2 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 to 3 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 4 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 5 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 6 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 7 clientClient records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of 8 responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or 9 making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and 10 Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or 11 otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are 12 provided.

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Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 8 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 9 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 10 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 11 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 12 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 13 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 14 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 15 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 16 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 17 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 7 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 8 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 9 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 10 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 11 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 client 12 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 13 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 14 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 15 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 16 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 2 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 to 3 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 4 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 5 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 6 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 client 7 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 8 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 9 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 10 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 11 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 36 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 of 37 the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 the 1 Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 2 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 3 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 4 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 5 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 6 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement7 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 8 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 32 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 33 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 34 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 35 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 36 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 37 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 1 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 2 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 3 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 4 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 2 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 3 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 4 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 5 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 6 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 7 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 8 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 9 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement10 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 11 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 36 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 37 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 1 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 2 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 3 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 4 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 5 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 6 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement7 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 8 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 7 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 8 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 9 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 10 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 11 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 12 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 13 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 14 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 15 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 16 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 31 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 32 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 33 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 34 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 35 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 36 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 37 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 1 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 2 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 3 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 34 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 35 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 36 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 37 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 1 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 2 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to 3 a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 4 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 5 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 6 services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 4 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 5 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 6 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 7 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 8 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 9 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement10 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 33 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 of 34 the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 the 35 Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 36 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 37 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 1 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 2 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 3 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement4 Contract. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 5 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 36 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 37 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 to 1 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 2 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 3 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 4 participantClient records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the 5 purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or 6 examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management 7 and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or 8 otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are 9 provided.

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Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 6 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 7 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 8 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 9 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 10 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 11 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 12 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 13 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 14 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the 15 services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 3 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 4 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 5 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 6 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 7 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 8 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 9 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 10 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 11 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may with prior written notice at all reasonable times inspect 12 or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they 13 are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 32 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 33 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 34 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 35 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 36 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 37 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 1 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 2 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 3 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 4 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 36 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 37 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 1 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 2 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 3 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 4 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 5 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 6 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 7 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 8 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 8 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 9 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 financial statements, general 10 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have 11 access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general 12 ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 Participant records, of CONTRACTOR that are 13 directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or or, 14 conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of 15 retention set forth in the Records Management paragraphManagement and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of Exhibit A to this 16 Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services 17 provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: Agreement

INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 35 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 36 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 37 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 the 1 extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 but 2 not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 3 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this AgreementContract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a 4 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts 5 during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided 7 pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 9 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized 10 representative 11 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and 11 Human Services, 12 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized 12 representatives, shall to 13 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, 13 documents, and records, including 14 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant 14 accounting systems, medical and Client 15 records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement15 Contract, for the purpose of responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, 16 evaluation, or examination, or making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the 17 Records Management and Maintenance 18 Paragraph of this AgreementContract. Such persons may at all reasonable 18 times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 the services provided pursuant to this AgreementContract, and the premises in 19 which they are provided.

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INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS. 10 5 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 11 to 6 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 12 7 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall to 13 8 the extent permissible under applicable law have access to any books, documents, and records, including 14 9 but not limited to, financial statements, general ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and Client 15 10 clientClient records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of 11 responding 16 to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or 12 making 17 transcripts during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance 18 13 Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate 19 14 the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided.

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Samples: 1 Agreement

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