Evaluation Components. Probationary faculty evaluation shall be comprised of the following components:
Evaluation Components. 8.3.1 Contract faculty are expected to go through a four year tenure process. At the end of the fourth year, a decision to grant or not grant tenure must be made. In exceptional cases, tenure may be recommended in fewer than four years.
Evaluation Components. Evaluation components include evaluation elements, objectives, and responsibilities contained in the unit member's job description.
Evaluation Components. The comprehensive evaluation for the FSC Facilitator shall comprise of three (3) distinct components: peer, administrator, and self-evaluation.
Evaluation Components. Each Unit member’s evaluation process will include the following components using the evaluation form located in Appendix B of the Agreement:
Evaluation Components. Non-tenure track full-time temporary faculty evaluation shall be comprised of the following components:
Evaluation Components. The evaluation shall consist of a completed final Report of Performance form for supervisors. The evaluation may also include the Supervisor’s Self-Evaluation/Staff Feedback Survey form obtained from appropriate college/district contacts. The primary rater may also ask the supervisor to complete one of the Supervisor’s Self-Evaluation/Staff Feedback Survey forms.
Evaluation Components. A. The Grantee shal l improve the immunization coverage rate for children during the grant period to a minimum level of 90% or higher.
Evaluation Components. Tenured Faculty The evaluation shall consist of the following components: student evaluations for instructional faculty, and, where appropriate, for non-instructional faculty. For instructional faculty, each class taught by the evaluatee shall be evaluated. However, the Evaluation Committee, in consultation with the Division Chairperson/immediate supervisor, may waive student evaluations for very short- term courses that form a relatively small part of the evaluatee’s assignment. The Committee Chairperson shall notify the Office of Academic Affairs or the Office of Student Services, as appropriate, and the Office of Human Resources of any such waivers by the end of the fourth week of the semester. a self evaluation based on “A Guide for Faculty Self-Evaluation” (See Exhibit G-1) for non-instructional faculty for whom student evaluations are not appropriate, the evaluation of the performance of other services in a manner decided by the Committee in consultation with the Division Chairperson/immediate supervisor. Each committee member performing such an evaluation shall write an appraisal based upon his/her observations. In addition: Classroom visits by any or all of the committee members may occur only if requested by the evaluatee. The exception would be if the evaluatee’s previous evaluation, or complaint(s) to the Division Chairperson/immediate supervisor, warrants an observation. For such cases, the decision to conduct classroom visits (and how many) will be made by the Evaluation Committee in consultation with the Division Chairperson/immediate supervisor, or, if the Division Chairperson is the evaluatee, with the Chairperson of the committee that performed his/her last evaluation. Each observing committee member shall write an appraisal based on his/her observations.
Evaluation Components. 1. Classroom/worksite observations by members of the Tenure Review Committee (TRC), signed by the observer;