Counselling Services. Effective April 1, 2019, recognize qualified social worker in addition to registered clinical psychologist and registered clinical counsellor to the current combined maximum of $500 per family per calendar year for counselling services.
Counselling Services. The Company will provide employees with counselling through Shepell. This coverage will be extended for a sixty (60) day period and ceases when an employee secures alternate employment. This counselling service is confidential information, counselling and referral service for employees and their immediate family members. Confidential help is available for a broad range of personal and work-related concerns such as: stress, relationships, emotional concerns, anxiety, grief, addiction, trauma, and financial problems.
Counselling Services. My counsellor will keep me informed of the types of treatment or therapy he or she recommends. The services ottered will be tailored to my particular needs. As such, as my needs change and services adjust my counsellor will inform me before treatment shifts. This will be an ongoing process, an open dialogue between myself and my counsellor, and I may ask questions concerning the services I receive. Client Responsibilities I understand that counselling requires work from both the counsellor and the client. I will do my best to maintain appointments and show up prepared. I agree to pay my fee of $110 (or adjusted rate) the day I receive services by cash or cheque. I understand the cancellation policy: To cancel, I must call 24 hours before my scheduled appointment or the full fee will be charged.
Counselling Services. My counsellor will keep me informed of the types of treatment or therapy she recommends. The services offered will be tailored to my particular needs. As such, as my needs change and services adjust my counsellor will inform me before treatment shifts. This will be an ongoing process, an open dialogue between myself and my counsellor, and I may ask questions concerning the services I receive. Client Responsibilities I understand that counselling requires work from both the counsellor and the client. I will do my best to maintain appointments and show up prepared. I agree to pay my fee the day I receive services. I understand the cancellation policy. To cancel, I must call 24 hours before my scheduled appointment the first time I late cancel or no show I will be charged half of the time set aside for me. Subsequent late cancellations (less than 24 hours) and no shows will be charged the full fee of time set aside for me. It will be my responsibility to check with my insurance provider regarding coverage for my appointments. Fees: - $170 per 65 minute session - Letters: $75/ letter - Phone consultations with teachers / physicians, etc will be charge in 15 minute increments Benefits and Risks of Counselling In counselling I may benefit from learning new coping skills, gaining personal insight, forming healthier ways to relate to others, and / or overcoming unwanted behaviours. Counselling may come with risks. Opening up about my pain can sometimes lead to more pain initially such as unwanted thoughts, strong emotions, or tension in relationships at home and at work. Client Rights ● As a client I have the right to ask questions about my counsellor’s credentials, the services being provided to me, or any other questions about the counselling process. ● I have the right to end counselling at any time. ● I have the right to voice concerns or complaints to my counsellor. If necessary I have the right to inform the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association of any unethical or unprofessional behaviour by my counsellor. ● I have the right to request access to my personal information or request corrections to this information. ● I have the right to confidentiality Confidentiality I understand the, except for the following limitations, all information I share with my counsellor is confidential. This means no information will be released to any third party without my explicit written consent. I understand the following exceptions to this confidentiality are: ● ...
Counselling Services. The Employer agrees to pay the monthly premium for Counselling Services (including Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Social Worker with certification). The coverage provided is two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per year for eligible Employees and their dependents.
Counselling Services. (i) Review the existing capacity for counselling services offered to various client groups and seek to develop an integrated service network involving other Ministries and Agencies as appropriate.
Counselling Services. The Employer encourages employees to access the services of an independent counselling organization, Hunterlink, to provide assistance to employees where personal, financial or health related problems affect the employee or his or her immediate family. The service is free and confidential and where the parties identify an employee who may benefit from such a service, it is agreed that they will encourage the employee to take advantage of it, provided it is at no cost to the Employer in respect to time lost working, flights, accommodation etc. to access the service.
Counselling Services. My counsellor will keep me informed of the types of treatment or therapy she recommends. The services offered will be tailored to my particular needs. As such, as my needs change and services adjust my counsellor will inform me before treatment shifts. This will be an ongoing process, an open dialogue between myself and my counsellor, and I may ask questions concerning the services I receive. Client Responsibilities I understand that counselling requires work from both the counsellor and the client. I will do my best to maintain appointments and show up prepared. I agree to pay my fee the day I receive services. I understand the cancellation policy. To cancel, I must call 24 hours before my scheduled appointment. The first time I late cancel or no show I will be charged half of the time set aside for me. Subsequent late cancellations (less than 24 hours) and no shows will be charged the full fee of time set aside for me. It will be my responsibility to check with my insurance provider regarding coverage for my appointments.
Counselling Services. Both parties recognise teachers may require periods of leave in order to access counselling services to provide appropriate advice and assistance. Whilst the understanding is that teachers would access counselling outside of school hours, the Diocese will allow a teacher to utilise his or her sick leave entitlement pursuant to the award to accommodate these teacher needs especially those in remote schools (Bulahdelah, Gloucester and Merriwa) The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, through Access, offers a confidential counselling service to all employees. The Head of Employee Services, or other persons nominated by the Director of Schools, is authorised to approve a request by an employee to use this service. The Union may make such a request on behalf of an employee.
Counselling Services. Both parties recognise teachers may require periods of leave in order to access counselling services to provide appropriate advice and assistance. The Diocese will allow a teacher to utilise his or her sick leave entitlement pursuant to the award to accommodate these teacher needs. The CSO, through Centacare, offers a confidential counselling service to all employees. Diocesan Education Consultants are authorised to approve a request by an employee to use this service. The Union may make such a request on behalf of an employee.