Additional Assignment. All additional assignments must be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Unit members with assignments less than 1.0 FTE shall not be eligible to work additional assignments.
Additional Assignment. Secondary teachers who are requested to accept permanent or continuing additional classroom preparation in lieu or a preparation period are to receive a prorated amount of their salary based on the number of class periods per day in the building they are teaching for the duration of the assignment.
Additional Assignment. An additional assignment is defined as the temporary addition of new job duties not inherent, implied, or otherwise a part of an employee's current realm of responsibilities assigned to the same position due to sickness, accident, disciplinary layoff, vacation, leaves of absence, or sudden and unexpected fluctuation in a department's activity, which can be accomplished within a regular forty (40)-hour workweek. Compensation for additional assignments will be determined by the Employer based on internal salary comparisons among affected positions, duties performed, and the expected hours of the assignment. A long term assignment (beyond 4 weeks) has a general guideline of 10% above the employee’s current salary. No overtime will be paid on an additional assignment.
Additional Assignment. A unit member may, solely at their option, work occasionally or sporadically on a part time basis in a different capacity from their regular employment at the hourly rate of pay for this additional assignment. This shall not be defined as overtime. All other additional assignments must be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Unit members with assignments less than 1.0 FTE shall not be eligible to work additional assignments.
Additional Assignment. A teacher assigned to an additional structured classroom teaching period beyond what is considered to be a full-time contract, as defined in Article 7 of the negotiated agreement, shall be compensated at a rate of (1/5) of his or her regular annual salary. It is understood that this additional teaching assignment will be in lieu of the teacher’s individual preparation period.
Additional Assignment. Extra assignments associated with additional compensation shall be detailed in a letter(s) of assignment.
Additional Assignment. Any assignments in addition to the normal teaching schedule during the regular school year shall not be obligatory but shall be with the consent of the teacher. (See also Article IX.F.)
Additional Assignment. The present assignment is given in addition to and not in substitution for any similar assignment heretofore given to and still held by the Transferee and in particular any and all assignments made or contemplated by the Purchase Agreement.
Additional Assignment a. Additional work days beyond the regular school year shall be compensated according to the table at Appendix R at the rate of $22.74 per hour for 1997-98 and $23.48 per hour for 1998-99. Such additional professional assignments shall be limited to research, curriculum studies, and the writing of new courses.
Additional Assignment. Non-teaching assignments in addition to the normal daily schedule during the regular school year shall not be obligatory, but shall be with the consent of the teacher.