Common use of Accounting Policies Clause in Contracts

Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdninger. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on hand. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equity. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat og udskudt skat Income tax and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomst, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatter. Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as calculated tax on the taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companies. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash Udskudt skat måles efter den balanceorienterede gældsmetode af midlertidige forskelle mellem regnskabsmæssig og skattemæssig værdi af aktiver og forpligtelser opgjort på grundlag af den planlag- te anvendelse af aktivet henholdsvis afvikling af forpligtelsen. Udskudt skat måles til nettorealisa- tionsværdi. Deferred tax is measured on hand the basis of temporary differences in assets and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdningerliabilities with a focus on the statement of financial position. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash Deferred tax is measured at bank and on hand. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equitynet realisable value. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat og Der foretages regulering af udskudt skat Income tax and vedrøren- de foretagne elimineringer af urealiserede kon- cerninterne avancer og -tab. Adjustments take place in relation to deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser concerning elimination of unrealised intercompany gains and losses. Udskudt skat måles på grundlag af de skatteregler og tilgodehavende ak tuel skattesatser, der med balancedagens lovgivning vil være gældende, når den udskudte skat forventes udløst som aktuel skat. Ændring i udskudt skat som følge af ændringer i skattesatser indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomstresultatopgørelsen bortset fra poster, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatterder føres di- rekte på egenkapitalen. Current Deferred tax liabilities is measured based on the tax rules and tax rates applying under the legislation prevailing in the respective countries on the reporting date when the deferred tax is expected to be released as current tax. Changes in deferred tax receivable due to changed tax rates are recognised in the statement income statement, except for items included directly in the equity. Udskudte skatteaktiver, herunder skatteværdien af fremførselsberettiget skattemæssigt underskud, måles til den værdi, hvortil aktivet forventes at kunne realiseres, enten ved udligning i skat af fremtidig indtjening eller ved modregning i ud- skudte skatteforpligtelser inden for samme juridis- ke skatteenhed. Eventuelle udskudte nettoskatteak- tiver måles til nettorealisationsværdi. Deferred tax assets, including the tax value of financial position as calculated tax on losses allowed for carryforward, are recognised at the taxable income for the yearvalue at which they are expected to be realisable, adjusted for either by settlement against tax of previous years' taxable income and for future earnings or by set-off in deferred tax paid on accountliabilities within the same legal tax unit. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaberAny deferred net tax assets are measured at net realisable value. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold Gældsforpligtelser Liabilities other than provisions Øvrige gældsforpligtelser, som omfatter gæld til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskudleverandører, tilknyttede virksomheder samt anden gæld, måles til amortiseret kostpris, hvilket sæd vanligvis svarer til nominel værdi. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion Other liabilities concerning payables to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from suppliers, group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According and other payables are measured at amortised cost which usually corresponds to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn nominal value. Resultatopgørelse 1. januar - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companies31. Anvendt regnskabspraksisdecember

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender Årsrapporten for Solo-Tech A/S er aflagt i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdningerover ensstemmelse med årsregnskabslovens bestem melser for en klasse B-virksomhed. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on handThe annual report for Solo-Tech A/S has been presented in accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act regulations concerning reporting class B enterprises. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equity. Resultatopgørelsen Income statement Bruttofortjeneste Gross profit This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat og udskudt skat Income tax a36f5apZugW250200691 Bruttofortjeneste indeholder nettoomsætning, ændring i lagre af færdigvarer, andre driftsind- tægter samt eksterne omkostninger. Gross profit comprises the revenue, changes in inventories of finished goods, other operating income, and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat external costs. Selskabet har som fortolkningsbidrag for indreg ning af nettoomsætning valgt IAS 18. The enterprise will be applying and IAS 18 as its basis of interpretation for the recognition of revenue. Nettoomsætning indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat resultatopgørelsen, såfremt levering og risikoovergang til køber har fundet sted inden årets udgang, og såfremt ind- tægten kan opgøres pålideligt og forventes mod- taget. Nettoomsætningen måles til dagsværdien af årets skattepligtige indkomst, reguleret for skat det aftalte vederlag eksklusive moms og afgif- ter og med fradrag af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatterrabatter i forbindelse med salget. Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are Revenue is recognised in the income statement if delivery and passing of financial position as calculated tax on the taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According risk to the rules buyer have taken place before the end of joint taxationthe year and if the income can be determined reliably and inflow is anticipated. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration promised exclusive of VAT and taxes and less any discounts relating directly to sales. Vareforbrug omfatter omkostninger til køb af rå varer og hjælpematerialer med fradrag af rabat ter samt årets forskydning i varebeholdninger. Cost of sales comprises costs concerning purchase of raw materials and consumables less discounts and changes in inventories. Andre eksterne omkostninger omfatter omkostnin- ger til distribution, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income taxsalg, reklame, administration, lokaler, tab på debitorer og operationelle leasing- omkostninger. Other external expenses comprise expenses incurred for distribution, sales, advertising, administration, premises, loss on receivables, and operational leasing costs. Personaleomkostninger Staff costs Personaleomkostninger omfatter løn og gager, in- klusive feriepenge og pensioner samt andre om- kostninger til social sikring mv. til selskabets medarbejdere. Staff costs include salaries and wages, including withholding tax on interestholiday allowances, royaltiespensions, and dividendsother social security costs, arising from the jointly taxed group of companiesetc., for staff members. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash Kostprisen på et samlet aktiv opdeles i separate bestanddele, der afskrives hver for sig, hvor brugstiden på de enkelte bestanddele er forskel- lig, og den enkelte bestanddel udgør en væsentlig del af den samlede kostpris. The cost of a total asset is divided into separate components. These components are depreciated separately, the useful lives of each individual components differing, and the individual component representing a material part of the total cost. Der foretages lineære afskrivninger baseret på følgende vurdering af aktivernes forventede brugstider: Produktionsanlæg og maskiner Depreciation is done on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdninger. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on hand. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend a straight-line basis according to an assessment of the expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equity. useful life: Brugstid This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat a36f5apZugW250200691 Useful life Plant and machinery 5-10 år/years Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og udskudt skat Income tax inventar Other fixtures and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser fittings, tools and equipment 10 år/years Småaktiver med en forventet levetid under 1 år indregnes i anskaffelsesåret som omkostninger i resultatopgørelsen. Minor assets with an expected useful life of less than 1 year are recognised as costs in the income statement in the year of acquisition. Fortjeneste eller tab ved afhændelse af materiel- le anlægsaktiver opgøres som forskellen mellem salgspris med fradrag af salgsomkostninger og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat den regnskabsmæssige værdi på salgstidspunktet. For- tjeneste eller tab indregnes i resultatopgørelsen under andre driftsindtægter eller andre driftsom- kostninger. Profit or loss derived from the disposal of property, land, and equipment is measured as the difference between the sales price less selling costs and the carrying amount at the date of disposal. Profit or loss is recognised in the income statement as other operating income or other operating expenses. Leasingkontrakter Leases Selskabet har som fortolkningsbidrag for klassifi kation og indregning af leasingkontrakter valgt IAS 17. The enterprise will be applying IAS 17 as its base of interpretation for recognition of classification and recognition of leases. Anvendt regnskabspraksis Accounting policies This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: a36f5apZugW250200691 Leasingkontrakter vedrørende materielle anlægs- aktiver, hvor selskabet har alle væsentlige risici og fordele forbundet med ejendomsretten (finan- siel leasing), måles ved første indregning i balan- cen til laveste værdi af dagsværdi af det leasede aktiv og nutidsværdien af de fremtidige leasingy- delser. Ved beregning af nutidsværdien anvendes leasingaftalens interne rentefod eller alternativt selskabets lånerente som diskonteringsfaktor. Fi- nansielt leasede aktiver behandles herefter som øvrige tilsvarende materielle anlægsaktiver. At their initial recognition in the statement of financial position, leases concerning property, plant, and equipment where the company holds all essential risks and advantages associated with the proprietary right (finance lease) are measured either at fair value of the asset being leased or at the present value of the future lease payments, whichever value is lower. When calculating the present value, the discount rate used is the internal rate of return of the lease or, alternatively, the borrowing rate of the enterprise. Hereafter, assets held under a finance lease are treated in the same way as other similar property, plant, and equipment. Den kapitaliserede restleasingforpligtelse indreg- nes i balancen som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomsten gældsforpligtelse, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatterlea- singydelsens rentedel indregnes over kontraktens løbetid i resultatopgørelsen. Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are The capitalised residual lease commitment is recognised in the statement of financial position as calculated tax on a liability other than provisions, and the taxable interest part of the lease is recognised in the income statement for the year, adjusted for tax term of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on accountthe contract. Selskabet er sambeskattet Alle øvrige leasingkontrakter behandles som ope- rationel leasing. Ydelser i forbindelse med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster opera- tionel leasing og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag øvrige lejeaftaler indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”re- sultatopgørelsen over kontraktens løbetid. Joint taxation contributions payable Sel- skabets samlede forpligtelse vedrørende operatio- nelle leasingaftaler og lejeaftaler oplyses under eventualposter. All other leases are regarded as operating leases. Payments in connection with operating leases and receivable other lease agreements are recognised in the income statement for the term of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable the contract. The company's total liabilities concerning operating leases and lease agreements are recognised under contingencies, etc. Nedskrivning på anlægsaktiver Impairment loss relating to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt non-current assets Den regnskabsmæssige værdi af såvel immateriel- le som materielle anlægsaktiver vurderes årligt for indikationer på værdiforringelse ud over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renterdet, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsensom udtrykkes ved afskrivning. According The carrying amount of both intangible and tangible fixed assets are subject to the rules annual impairment tests in order to disclose any indications of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, impairment beyond those expressed by amortisation and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companiesdepreciation respectively. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender Den aktuelle danske selskabsskat fordeles ved af- regning af sambeskatningsbidrag mellem de sam- beskattede virksomheder i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdningerforhold til disses skat- tepligtige indkomster. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on handI tilknytning hertil modta- ger virksomheder med skattemæssigt underskud sambeskatningsbidrag fra virksomheder, der har kunnet anvende dette underskud (fuld fordeling). Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalenThe current Danish income tax is allocated among the jointly taxed companies proportional to their respective taxable income (full allocation with reimbursement of tax losses). Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equity. Balancen Statement of financial position Immaterielle anlægsaktiver Intangible assets This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat a36f5apZugW250200691 Udviklingsprojekter, patenter og udskudt skat Income tax licenser Development projects, patents, and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser licences Goodwill Goodwill Erhvervet goodwill måles til kostpris med fradrag af akkumulerede afskrivninger. Idet det ikke er muligt at fastsætte et pålideligt skøn over brugs tiden, er afskrivningsperioden fastsat til 10 år. Acquired goodwill is measured at cost less accumulated amortisation. Given that it is impossible to make a reliable estimate of the useful life, the amortisation period is set at 10 years. Materielle anlægsaktiver Property, plant, and equipment Øvrige materielle anlægsaktiver måles til kostpris med fradrag af akkumulerede afskrivninger og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat nedskrivninger. Other property, plant, and equipment are measured at cost less accrued depreciation and writedown for impairment. Afskrivningsgrundlaget er kostpris med fradrag af eventuel forventet restværdi efter afsluttet brugstid. Afskrivningsperioden og restværdien fastsættes på anskaffelsestidspunktet og revurde- res årligt. Overstiger restværdien aktivets regn- skabsmæssige værdi, ophører afskrivningen. The depreciable amount is cost less any expected residual value after the end of the useful life of the asset. The amortisation period and the residual value are determined at the acquisition date and reassessed annually. If the residual value exceeds the carrying amount, the depreciation is discontinued. Ved ændring i afskrivningsperioden eller restvær dien indregnes virkningen for afskrivninger frem over som en ændring i balancen som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomstregnskabsmæssigt skøn. If the amortisation period or the residual value is changed, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatter. Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are the effect on amortisation will, in future, be recognised as a change in the statement of financial position as calculated tax on the taxable income for the yearaccounting estimates. Kostprisen omfatter anskaffelsesprisen samt om kostninger direkte tilknyttet anskaffelsen indtil det tidspunkt, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet hvor aktivet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber klar til at blive ta get i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningenbrug. The company cost comprises acquisition cost and costs directly associated with the acquisition until the time when the asset is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over ready for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companiesuse. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdninger. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on hand. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equity. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat og udskudt skat Income tax and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomst, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatter. Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as calculated tax on the taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende skat hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til Skyldig skat hos tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables Tax receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable Income tax payable to group enterprises" This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: a36f5apZugW250200691 Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri Solo-Tech A/S forholdsmæssigt solidarisk og ubegrænset over for skattemyndighederne skattemyn- dighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter kildeskatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri Solo-Tech A/S is proportionally unlimitedly, jointly, and severally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companies. Udskudt skat måles efter den balanceorienterede gældsmetode af midlertidige forskelle mellem regnskabsmæssig og skattemæssig værdi af akti- ver og forpligtelser opgjort på grundlag af den planlagte anvendelse af aktivet henholdsvis afvik- ling af forpligtelsen. Udskudt skat måles til netto- realisationsværdi. Deferred tax is measured on the basis of temporary differences in assets and liabilities with a focus on the statement of financial position. Deferred tax is measured at net realisable value. Udskudt skat måles på grundlag af de skatteregler og skattesatser i de respektive lande, der med ba- lancedagens lovgivning vil være gældende, når den udskudte skat forventes udløst som aktuel skat. Ændring i udskudt skat som følge af ændrin- ger i skattesatser indregnes i resultatopgørelsen bortset fra poster, der føres direkte på egenkapi- talen. Deferred tax is measured based on the tax rules and tax rates applying under the legislation prevailing in the respective countries on the reporting date when the deferred tax is expected to be released as current tax. Changes in deferred tax due to changed tax rates are recognised in the income statement, except for items included directly in the equity. Udskudte skatteaktiver, herunder skatteværdien af fremførselsberettiget skattemæssigt under- skud, måles til den værdi, hvortil aktivet forven- tes at kunne realiseres, enten ved udligning i skat af fremtidig indtjening eller ved modregning i ud- skudte skatteforpligtelser inden for samme juri- diske skatteenhed. Eventuelle udskudte nettoskat- teaktiver måles til nettorealisationsværdi. Deferred tax assets, including the tax value of tax losses allowed for carryforward, are recognised at the value at which they are expected to be realisable, either by settlement against tax of future earnings or by set-off in deferred tax liabilities within the same legal tax unit. Any deferred net tax assets are measured at net realisable value. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand Fortjeneste eller tab ved afhændelse af materielle anlægsaktiver opgøres som forskellen mellem salgspris med fradrag af salgsomkostninger og den regnskabsmæssige værdi på salgstidspunktet. For tjeneste eller tab indregnes i resultatopgørelsen un der andre driftsindtægter eller andre driftsomkost ninger. Profit or loss derived from the disposal of property, land, and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender equipment is measured as the difference between the sales price less selling costs and the carrying amount at the date of disposal. Profit or loss is recognised in the income statement as other operating income or other operating expenses. Leasingkontrakter Leases Leasingkontrakter behandles som operationel lea sing. Ydelser i pen geinstitutter forbindelse med operationel leasing og kontantbeholdningerøvrige lejeaftaler indregnes i resultatopgørelsen over kontraktens løbetid. Cash on hand Selskabets samlede for pligtelse vedrørende operationelle leasingaftaler og lejeaftaler oplyses under eventualposter. Leases are regarded as operating leases. Payments in connection with operating leases and demand deposits comprise cash at bank other lease agreements are recognised in the income statement for the term of the contract. The company's total liabilities concerning operating leases and on handlease agreements are recognised under contingencies, etc. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend UdbytteNedskrivning på anlægsaktiver Impairment loss relating to non-current assets Den regnskabsmæssige værdi af materielle anlægs- aktiver vurderes årligt for indikationer på værdi- forringelse ud over det, som forventes udbetalt udtrykkes ved afskriv- ning. The carrying amount of tangible fixed assets are subject to annual impairment tests in order to disclose any indications of impairment beyond those expressed by amortisation and depreciation respectively. Foreligger der indikationer på værdiforringelse, fo- retages nedskrivningstest af hvert enkelt aktiv hen- holdsvis gruppe af aktiver. Der foretages nedskriv- ning til genindvindingsværdien, såfremt denne er lavere end den regnskabsmæssige værdi. If indications of impairment are disclosed, impairment tests are carried out for åreteach individual asset or group of assets, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalenrespectively. Dividend expected Writedown for impairment is done to be distributed for the year recoverable amount if this value is recognised as a separate item under equitylower than the carrying amount. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat Genindvindingsværdien er den højeste værdi af ka- pitalværdi og udskudt skat Income tax and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser salgsværdi fratrukket forventede om- kostninger ved et salg. Kapitalværdien opgøres som nutidsværdien af de forventede nettopenge- strømme fra anvendelsen af aktivet eller aktivgrup- pen og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat forventede nettopengestrømme ved salg af årets skattepligtige indkomst, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatter. Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as calculated tax on the taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningenaktivet eller aktivgruppen efter endt brugstid. The company recoverable amount is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companiesthe higher value of value in use and selling price less expected selling cost. The current corporate income tax value in use is distributed between calculated as the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by present value of the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising expected net cash flows from the jointly taxed use of the asset or the asset group and expected net cash flows from the sale of companiesthe asset or the asset group after the end of their useful life. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash Af- og nedskrivninger Depreciation, amortisation, and writedown for impairment Af- og nedskrivninger indeholder årets af- og ned- skrivninger af immaterielle og materielle anlægs- aktiver. Depreciation, amortisation, and writedown for impairment comprise depreciation on, amortisation of, and writedown for impairment of intangible and tangible assets, respectively. Andre driftsomkostninger Other operating expenses Andre driftsomkostninger indeholder regnskabs poster af sekundær karakter i forhold til virksom hedens hovedaktiviteter, herunder tab ved salg af immaterielle og materielle anlægsaktiver. Other operating expenses comprise items of secondary nature as regards the principal activities of the enterprise, including losses on hand the disposal of intangible and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdninger. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on hand. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equitytangible assets. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat a36f5apZugW250200691 Finansielle indtægter og udskudt skat Income tax omkostninger Financial income and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser expenses Finansielle indtægter og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat omkostninger indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat resultatopgørelsen med de beløb, der vedrører regnskabsåret. Finansielle poster omfatter rente indtægter og -omkostninger, finansielle omkost ninger ved finansiel leasing, realiserede og ureali serede kursgevinster og kurstab vedrørende vær dipapirer, gæld og transaktioner i fremmed valu ta, amortisering af årets skattepligtige indkomst, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster finansielle aktiver og for betal te aconto-skatterforplig telser samt tillæg og godtgørelser under aconto skatteordningen mv. Current tax liabilities Financial income and current tax receivable expenses are recognised in the income statement with the amounts concerning the financial year. Financial income and expenses comprise interest income and expenses, financial expenses from financial leasing, realised and unrealised capital gains and losses relating to securities, debt and transactions in foreign currency, amortisation of financial position assets and liabilities as calculated well as surcharges and reimbursements under the advance tax scheme, etc. Skat af årets resultat Tax on the taxable income net profit or loss for the yearyear Årets skat, adjusted der består af årets aktuelle selskabs- skat og ændring i udskudt skat, indregnes i resul- tatopgørelsen med den del, der kan henføres til årets resultat, og direkte i egenkapitalen med den del, der kan henføres til posteringer direkte i eg- enkapitalen. Tax for the year comprises the current income tax of previous years' taxable for the year and changes in deferred tax and is recognised in the income statement with the share attributable to the net profit or loss for the year and for tax paid on accountdirectly in equity with the share attributable to entries directly in equity. Selskabet Modervirksomheden og de danske tilknyttede virk- somheder er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne omfattet af de danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningenregler om tvungen sambeskatning af koncernens danske virk- somheder. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated subject to Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the rules on compulsory joint taxation of Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companies. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdninger. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on hand. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is recognised as a separate item under equity. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat cb61bcxuuRJ247952711 Visse finansielle aktiver og udskudt skat Income tax forpligtelser måles til amortiseret kostpris, hvorved der indregnes en konstant effektiv rente over løbetiden. Amortise- ret kostpris opgøres som oprindelig kostpris med fradrag af eventuelle afdrag samt tillæg/fradrag af den akkumulerede amortisering af forskellen xxxxxx kostpris og nominelt beløb. Herved xxxxx- les kurstab og kursgevinst over aktivets xxxxx for- pligtelsens løbetid. Certain financial assets and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser liabilities are measured at amortised cost, allowing a constant effective interest rate to be recognised during the useful life of the asset or liability. Amortised cost is recognised as the original cost less any payments, plus/less accrued amortisations of the difference between cost and nominal amount. In this way, capital losses and gains are allocated over the useful life of the liability. Ved indregning og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat indregnes i balancen måling tages hensyn til forudsi gelige tab og risici, der fremkommer inden årsrap- xxxxxx aflægges, og som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomstvedrører forhold, reguleret der ek sisterede på balancedagen. Upon recognition and measurement, allowances are made for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatter. Current tax liabilities such predictable losses and current tax receivable are recognised in risks which may arise prior to the statement presentation of financial position as calculated tax the annual report and concern matters that exist on the taxable income reporting date. Resultatopgørelsen Income statement Bruttotab Gross loss Bruttotab indeholder nettoomsætning, ændring i lagre af færdigvarer og varer under fremstilling, arbejde udført for egen regning og opført under aktiver, andre driftsindtægter samt eksterne om- kostninger. Gross loss comprises the revenue, changes in inventories of finished goods, and work in progress, work performed for own account and capitalised, other operating income, and external costs. Selskabet har som fortolkningsbidrag for indreg ning af nettoomsætning valgt IAS 11 og IAS 18. The enterprise will be applying IAS 11 and IAS 18 as its basis of interpretation for the year, adjusted for tax recognition of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companiesrevenue. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand Årsrapporten for Sestante Health ApS er aflagt i overensstemmelse med årsregnskabslovens bestem- melser for en klasse B-virksomhed. The annual report for Sestante Health ApS has been presented in accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act regulations concerning reporting class B enterprises. Årsrapporten er aflagt efter samme regnskabs- praksis som sidste år og aflægges i danske kroner. The accounting policies are unchanged from last year, and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender the annual report is presented in DKK. Generelt om indregning og måling Recognition and measurement in general I resultatopgørelsen indregnes indtægter i pen geinstitutter takt med, at de indtjenes. Herunder indregnes værdiregulerin- ger af finansielle aktiver og kontantbeholdningerforpligtelser. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on handI resultat- opgørelsen indregnes ligeledes alle omkostninger, herunder afskrivninger, nedskrivninger og hensatte forpligtelser samt tilbageførsler som følge af ændre- de regnskabsmæssige skøn af beløb, der tidligere har været indregnet i resultatopgørelsen. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year Income is recognised as a separate item under equityin the income statement concurrently with its realisation, including the recognition of value adjustments of financial assets and liabilities. Likewise, all costs are recognised in the income statement, including depreciations amortisations, writedowns for impairment, provisions, and reversals due to changes in estimated amounts previously recognised in the income statement. Aktiver indregnes i balancen, når det er sandsynligt, at fremtidige økonomiske fordele vil tilflyde sel- skabet, og aktivets værdi kan måles pålideligt. Assets are recognised in the statement of financial position when it seems probable that future economic benefits will flow to the company and the value of the asset can be reliably measured. Forpligtelser indregnes i balancen, når det er sandsynligt, at fremtidige økonomiske fordele vil fragå selskabet, og forpligtelsens værdi kan måles pålideligt. Liabilities are recognised in the statement of financial position when it is seems probable that future economic benefits will flow out of the company and the value of the liability can be reliably measured. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat f567a7PZKgS247968643 Ved første indregning måles aktiver og udskudt skat Income tax forpligtelser til kostpris. Efterfølgende måles aktiver og forplig- telser som beskrevet nedenfor for hver enkelt regn- skabspost. Assets and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser liabilities are measured at cost at the initial recognition. Hereafter, assets and liabilities are measured as described below for each individual accounting item. Ved indregning og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat indregnes i balancen måling tages hensyn til forud- sigelige tab og risici, der fremkommer inden årsrap- porten aflægges, og som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomstvedrører forhold, reguleret der eksi- sterede på balancedagen. Upon recognition and measurement, allowances are made for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatter. Current tax liabilities such predictable losses and current tax receivable are recognised in risks which may arise prior to the statement presentation of financial position as calculated tax the annual report and concern matters that exist on the taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companiesreporting date. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash Resultatopgørelsen Income statement Bruttofortjeneste Gross profit Bruttofortjeneste indeholder nettoomsætning og eks- terne omkostninger. Gross profit comprises the revenue and external costs. Nettoomsætning indregnes i resultatopgørelsen, så- fremt levering og risikoovergang til køber har fun- det sted inden årets udgang, og såfremt indtægten kan opgøres pålideligt og forventes modtaget. Net- toomsætningen indregnes eksklusive moms og afgif- ter og med fradrag af rabatter i forbindelse med sal- get. Revenue is recognised in the income statement if delivery and passing of risk to the buyer have taken place before the end of the year and if the income can be determined reliably and inflow is anticipated. Recognition of revenue is exclusive of VAT and taxes and less any discounts relating directly to sales. Andre eksterne omkostninger omfatter omkostnin- ger til salg, reklame og administration. Other external costs comprise costs incurred for sales, advertising and administration. Finansielle indtægter og omkostninger Financial income and expenses Finansielle indtægter og omkostninger indregnes i resultatopgørelsen med de beløb, der vedrører regn- skabsåret. Finansielle poster omfatter renteindtæg- ter og -omkostninger, samt tillæg og godtgørelser under acontoskatteordningen mv. Financial income and expenses are recognised in the income statement with the amounts concerning the financial year. Financial income and expenses comprise interest income and expenses, as well as surcharges and reimbursements under the advance tax scheme, etc. Skat af årets resultat Tax on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender i pen geinstitutter og kontantbeholdninger. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on hand. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalen. Dividend expected to be distributed net profit or loss for the year Årets skat, der består af årets aktuelle selskabsskat og ændring i udskudt skat, indregnes i resultatopgø- relsen med den del, der kan henføres til årets resul- tat, og direkte i egenkapitalen med den del, der kan henføres til posteringer direkte i egenkapitalen. Tax for the year comprises the current income tax for the year and changes in deferred tax and is recognised as a separate item under in the income statement with the share attributable to the net profit or loss for the year and directly in equity with the share attributable to entries directly in equity. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat og udskudt skat Income tax and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomst, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatter. Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are recognised in the statement f567a7PZKgS247968643 Balancen Statement of financial position as calculated tax on Tilgodehavender Receivables Tilgodehavender måles til amortiseret kostpris, hvil- ket sædvanligvis svarer til nominel værdi. Der ned- skrives til nettorealisationsværdien med henblik på at imødegå forventede tab. Receivables are measured at amortised cost, which usually corresponds to nominal value. In order to meet expected losses, impairment takes place at the taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income tax, including withholding tax on interest, royalties, and dividends, arising from the jointly taxed group of companiesnet realisable value. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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Accounting Policies. Likvide beholdninger Cash on hand and demand deposits Likvide beholdninger omfatter indeståender Hvor der leveres produkter med høj grad af individuel tilpasning, foretages indregning i pen geinstitutter nettoomsætningen, i takt med at produktionen udføres, hvorved omsætningen svarer til salgsværdien af årets udførte arbejder (produktionsmetoden). Denne metode anvendes, når de samlede indtægter og kontantbeholdningeromkostninger på kontrakten og færdiggørelsesgraden på balancedagen kan skønnes pålideligt, og det er sandsynligt, at de økonomiske fordele vil tilgå selskabet. Cash on hand and demand deposits comprise cash at bank and on handNettoomsætningen måles til dagsværdien af det aftalte vederlag ekskl. Egenkapital Equity Udbytte Dividend Udbytte, som forventes udbetalt moms og afgifter opkrævet på vegne af tredjepart. Alle former for året, vises som en særskilt post under egenkapitalenafgivne rabatter indregnes i omsætningen. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year Income from customised products is recognised as a separate item under equityproduction is carried out, implying that revenue corresponds to the selling price of contracts completed in the year (percentage-of-completion method). This method is applied where the total income and expenses relating to the contract and the stage of completion at the balance sheet date can be estimated reliably and it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the Company. This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 64eca1XZknk251751265 Selskabsskat cb61bcxuuRJ247952711 Revenue is measured at fair value of the agreed consideration excluding VAT and taxes charged on behalf of third parties. Revenue is net of all types of discounts granted. Andre eksterne omkostninger omfatter omkostnin- ger til distribution, salg, reklame, administration, lokaler, tab på debitorer og udskudt skat Income tax operationelle leasing- omkostninger. Other external expenses comprise expenses incurred for distribution, sales, advertising, administration, premises, loss on receivables, and deferred tax Aktuelle skatteforpligtelser operational leasing costs. Personaleomkostninger Staff costs Personaleomkostninger omfatter løn xx xxxxx, in- klusive feriepenge og tilgodehavende ak tuel skat indregnes i balancen som beregnet skat af årets skattepligtige indkomst, reguleret for skat af tidligere års skattepligtige indkomster og for betal te aconto-skatterpensioner samt andre om- kostninger til social sikring mv. Current tax liabilities til selskabets medarbejdere. I personaleomkostninger er fra- trukket modtagne godtgørelser fra offentlige myn- digheder. Staff costs include salaries and current tax receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as calculated tax on the taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax of previous years' taxable income and for tax paid on account. Selskabet er sambeskattet med koncernforbundne danske selskaber. Den aktuelle selskabsskat forde- les mellem de sambeskattede selskaber i forhold til disses skattepligtige indkomster og med fuld forde- ling med refusion vedrørende skattemæssige un- derskud. De sambeskattede selskaber indgår i acontoskatteordningen. The company is jointly taxed with consolidated Danish companies. The current corporate income tax is distributed between the jointly taxed companies in proportion to their taxable income and with full distribution with reimbursement as to tax losses. The jointly taxed companies are comprised by the Danish tax prepayment scheme. Skyldige og tilgodehavende sambeskatningsbidrag indregnes i balancen som ”Tilgodehavende hos tilknyttede virksomheder" eller ”Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder”. Joint taxation contributions payable and receivable are recognised in the statement of financial position as ”Receivables from group enterprises" or "Payable to group enterprises" Efter sambeskatningsreglerne hæfter Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S forholdsmæssigt over for skattemyndighederne for selskabsskatter og kilde- skatter på renter, royalties og udbytter opstået inden for sambeskatningskredsen. According to the rules of joint taxation, Xxxxxxxxx & Søn - Orgelbyggeri A/S is proportionally liable to pay the Danish tax authorities the total income taxwages, including withholding tax on interestholiday allowances, royaltiespensions, and dividendsother social security costs, arising from the jointly taxed group etc., for staff members. Staff costs are less government reimbursements. Af- og nedskrivninger Depreciation, amortisation, and writedown for impairment Af- og nedskrivninger indeholder årets af- og xxx- skrivninger af immaterielle og materielle anlægs- aktiver. Depreciation, amortisation, and writedown for impairment comprise depreciation on, amortisation of, and writedown for impairment of companiesintangible and tangible assets, respectively. Anvendt regnskabspraksis

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