Miscellaneous зразки пунктів

Miscellaneous. 13.1. The terms and conditions of the Contract are drafted in Ukrainian and English.
Miscellaneous. 12.1. This Agreement is an accession agreement.
Miscellaneous. 11.1. All relations arising from, in relation to this Agreement shall be governed by the current legislation of Ukraine. 11.2. The Parties undertake to maintain confidentiality in respect of all provisions of this Agreement. The Parties undertake not to disclose or use, including upon termination of the Agreement, with the benefit for themselves or to third parties, any information that has become known to them in connection with the implementation of this Agreement (including such that is banking secrecy). The Parties shall bear full responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality and responsible storage of information that has become known to them in connection with the implementation of this Agreement, as well as for the unauthorized access of third parties to this information, regardless of the fault of the Parties. 11.3. The receiving Party may disclose confidential information (including bank secrecy) without the prior written consent of the other Party, provided that the confidential information: - has already been known to the receiving Party; - has already been or has become publicly known not by the fault of the receiving Party; - is subject to transfer fully or partially to competent authorities in accordance with applicable legislation of Ukraine or in accordance with court decision, provided that the receiving Party has sent to the other Party a written notification no later than 3 (three) working days following the date of disclosure of such confidential information. In all other cases, the receiving Party has the right to disclose confidential information solely with the written consent of the other Party. 11.4. The parties have agreed that the Bank has the right to provide information under this Agreement to third parties (collecting, financial, legal companies, new creditors in case of assignment of claim, to other companies in connection with this Agreement), to their parent company, which is INTESA SANPAOLO GROUP solely with the prior written consent of the Client 11.5. It is not a breach of this Agreement, if confidential information is provided by any of the Parties to public authorities, the National Bank of Ukraine, law enforcement and other supervisory and regulatory bodies, which have relevant authority and requests of which are duly completed (there are no grounds for refusal to provide information that is indicated in the request). 11.6. This Agreement is concluded in Ukrainian in two counterparts, which have the same legal fo...
Miscellaneous. 1.8. За цим Договором страховий захист Страхувальнику
Miscellaneous. 7.1. Governing Law and Exclusive Forum. The construction, interpretation and performance of this Agreement, as well as the legal relations of the parties, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws identified as the Governing Law for the applicable Contract Jurisdiction in Table 1, without regard to its choice of law principles. All disputes arising under this Agreement shall be heard only by a court of competent jurisdiction in the Venue in the applicable Contract Jurisdiction in Table 1, and You submit to the jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating such disputes.
Miscellaneous. 5.1. Any personal data included in this Agreement shall be processed by the Parties and GIZ in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection". These data must be processed solely for the purpose of execution, management and monitoring of the Agreement without prejudice to their possible transfer to persons / bodies entrusted with monitoring or verification in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. 5.2. Each Party has the right to access its personal data and the right to correct any of such data. 5.3. The Benefactor may at any time request additional information from the Beneficiary and such information must be provided by the Beneficiary within seven calendar days from the date of the request. 5.4. Intellectual and industrial property rights to the results of the implementation of the business project, reports and other documents related to it belong to the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary grants the Beneficiary the right to freely use all documents in connection with the implementation of the Business Project, regardless of their form. 5.5. The Beneficiary authorizes the Benefactor and GIZ to publish in any way and form its name and place of business activity, the title of the Business Project for the implementation of which the xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx was granted, duration and place, results of its implementation and the amount of the xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx. 6.
Miscellaneous. 16.1. All disputes between the parties shall be resolved through negotiations or in a judicial procedure in accordance with current legislation.
Miscellaneous. 6.1. Усі правовідносини, що виникають з цього Договору або пов'язані із ним, у тому числі пов'язані із дійсністю, укладенням, виконанням, зміною та припиненням цього Договору, тлумаченням його умов, визначенням наслідків недійсності або порушення Договору, регулюються цим Договором та відповідними нормами чинного законодавства України, а також звичаями ділового обороту, які застосовуються до таких правовідносин 6.1. All relationships arising from this Agreement or related to it, including those related to xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx, performance, amendment and termination of this Agreement, interpretation of its terms, the definition of the consequences of invalidity or infringement of the Agreement is governed by this Agreement and relevant rules of the effective legislation of Ukraine, as well as, business practices applicable to such relationships на підставі принципів добросовісності, розумності та справедливості. on the basis of honesty, prudence and justice.
Miscellaneous. 10.1. After Agreement signing all previous negotiations and correspondence shall become out of force. 10.2. All changes and supplements to this Agreement are its integral part and are considered to be effective if they are made in writing, signed by the authorized representatives of both parties and sealed with the Companies’ seals. All changes should be agreed by Parties in advance and have the format of Addendum to the Agreement and signed by the Parties not later than in two weeks before the work start. All additional agreements, specifications, addendums etc to this Contract are allowed to be concluded by Parties in Ukrainian language, addendums containing technical requirements about subject of the contracts - in Russian. 10.3. None of the Parties has the right to transfer its rights and obligations partially or in full to the third party without prior written consent of the other party. 10.4. This Agreement is made up in two copies in Ukrainian and English, both having equal legal force. In case of any discrepancy of the texts the Ukrainian text shall prevail. 10.5. A Customer have the certificated Quality Management System in accordance with MС ISO 9001, the Ecological Management System pursuant to requirements of MS ІSО 14001, Health&Safety System according to the requirements of ОНSAS 18001. The Contractor is obliged to meet the requirements of above mentioned management systems set in Customer’s regulatories. 10.6. (agreement is considered as template based even if this clause is absent) In case when Contractor has Quality Management System (in accordance with IS ISO 9001 or appropriate national standard) on Customer’s request he shall provide evidences of its effective operation (quality regulation, processes list and developed procedures, compliance certificate). The Customer is entitled to check the operation of Contractor’s Quality Management System in accordance with requirements of ІSО 9001 and ІSО 19011. In case when Contractor doesn't have implemented Quality Management System Customer is entitled to perform in Contractor audits on compliance of works and conditions that guarantee compliance of works with stated requirements. 10.7. The Agreement can be terminated by the Customer’s sole discretion with a written notification of Contractor one month before the termination of the Agreement. 10.8. During implementation of this Agreement the Parties shall not limit their cooperation to meeting the requirements contained in this Agreement only,...
Miscellaneous. 14.1. Зміни чи доповнення до цього Договору є невід'ємною частиною цього Договору, за умов, що у разі виникнення суперечності з попередніми положеннями Договору, превалюватимуть нові зміни та доповнення. Вищевказані зміни та доповнення набувають чинності, якщо вони виконані в письмовій формі, мають реєстраційний номер, дату та підписи повноважних представників Сторін.