Examples of Sustainable community in a sentence
Existing District and Municipal Development Plans including District and Municipal Land Use Plans as well as CA Management Plans (where activities will be developed in CA) as well as other sector plans (tourism, agriculture, housing, etc.) will provide the bases for formulating CDAPs. Sustainable community fisheries activities and value adding activities to fisheries will be identified with government and private sector stakeholders together with communities.
We'll store the e-money in your Revolut account and other people will accept it as payment.
In the event of any temporary disruptions to facilities or services that customer's with disabilities rely on to access or use AKM’s goods or services, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice.
All finished or unfinished work or documents procured or produced under the Agreement will be submitted to and become property of the RCD upon the termination date.
Sustainable community development: Integrating environmental, economic, and social objectives.
Working Together: Local Area Agreement for Northumberland 2006-09http://www.northumberlandtogether.org.uk/dms/docs/01%20-%20Northumberland%20LAA%20-%20Working%20Together%20-%20Mar%2006.pdf Name of organisation: Northumberland Strategic Partnership, Sustainable community partnershiphttp://www.northumberlandinfonet.org.uk/Type of strategy/assessment: A chapter of 4 pages devoted to economic issues.
Sustainable community development does not constitute a single fix or solution.
Sustainable community development programs are those that contribute to the long-term strengthening of community viability.
Sustainable community outcomes are about maximising opportunities for individuals and communities to enjoy autonomy, quality of life and self-fulfilment.PartnershipsTo support improved housing outcomes for Aboriginal people, the AHO has worked collaboratively with range of key agencies.
Sustainable community schools are GEM’s alternative to CPS’ school closing/privatization agenda.