Examples of Sponsors in a sentence
Sponsors or their representatives who fail to observe these conditions of contract or who, in the opinion of NOSSCR, conduct themselves unethically, unprofessionally, or otherwise inconsistent with these rules may be immediately dismissed from sponsorship without refund or other appeal.
SCHEDULE B Additional Requirements for Sponsors of Day Care Homes Only Agency will: Determine Tier 1 and Tier 2 status of each day care home based on area eligibility or provider income information.
National Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Advisor $887 Activity Sponsors (for other than listed, school sponsored, competitive events, broomball, beepball, etc.) Home Events $16.63/hr.** Away Events $166/day*** Other workers (scores, times, etc.) $8.67/hr.
Sponsors that demonstrate high levels of, or a high risk for administrative error associated with certification, verification and other administrative processes during an administrative review will be required to conduct an independent review of initial eligibility determinations for free and reduced price school meal applications for accuracy prior to notifying households of eligibility.
Program reimbursement shall be paid to Sponsors for school(s) participating.