Software License Fees definition

Software License Fees means the fees paid by Licensee under this Agreement for the Software License.
Software License Fees means the amounts payable to AspenTech by Licensee for Software licensed under this Agreement. “Software License Manager” ("SLM") means a software-based licensing system which controls and tracks the usage of Software products. The SLM does not change or provide additional functionality to the products; it only provides access to the Software through an SLM Server. “SLM Server” means a network computer that manages the licenses required to run the Software. «Лицензионные сборы за Программное обеспечение» означает суммы, подлежащие уплате Лицензиатом компании AspenTech за Программное обеспечение, лицензируемое в соответствии с настоящим Договором. «Система управления Лицензиями на программное обеспечение» («СЛМ») означает основанную на программном обеспечении систему лицензирования, которая используется для отслеживания использования продуктов Программного обеспечения и контроля над таким использованием. Не изменяя существующих и не предоставляя дополнительных функциональных возможностей продуктов, СЛМ используется исключительно в целях предоставления доступа к Программному обеспечению через Сервер СЛМ. «Сервер СЛМ» означает сетевой компьютер, который позволяет осуществлять управление Лицензиями, необходимыми для использования Программного обеспечения. “Software Maintenance Service” (“SMS”) means the services described in the AspenTech Customer Services Guide, without extra payment (i.e. without any additional payment other than the Software License Fees detailed in 5.3) available at: xxxx://, the latest version of which is attached at Attachment C, and Updates and Releases and associated user documentation offered on a when- and-if-available basis. SMS also includes commercially reasonable efforts by AspenTech to remedy Defects by (i) providing a bug fix, patch or workaround procedure, and/or (ii) incorporating a permanent Defect correction in the next Update or Release of the Software. «Услуги по сопровождению Программного обеспечения» («УСПО») означает гарантийную поддержку, состоящую из услуг, указанных в Справочнике услуг, без взимания дополнительной платы (то есть без взимания платежей иных, чем Лицензионные сборы за Программное обеспечение, указанные в статье 5.3), с которыми можно ознакомиться по адресу: xxxx://, последняя версия прилагается в Приложении В а также Обновления, Версии и относящуюся к ним пользовательскую документацию, которые предоставляются по мере их выпуска. УСПО также включают в себя комме...
Software License Fees means those fees for the Software License payable by Customer to Licensor for the Software set forth in the applicable Order Form.

Examples of Software License Fees in a sentence

  • Revenue Recognition, Accrued Receivables and Deferred Revenue Software License Fees.

  • In consideration for ES&S’ grant of the license for the ES&S Software described in Section 1, Customer shall pay ES&S the ES&S Software License Fees set forth on Attachment 1.

  • FAST shall invoice the Customer in respect of the Total Software License Fee(s) on the Effective Date.

  • Client shall pay TRITAN all fees ("Fees") set forth in this Master Agreement and applicable Orders without offset or deduction, including, but not limited to the Software License Fees, the Software Support and Maintenance Fees, the Hosting and Data Management Fees, the Data Processing Fees, the Medical Support Services Fees, Professional Services Fees, the Supplemental Services Fees and any applicable expense reimbursements as provided for in the <<Payment Terms>> appearing below.

  • Fees may include, among others, Month-to-Month Software License Fees, On-Site Implementation and Training Fees, Professional Support/Consulting and Support Fees, and/or Device Fees.

More Definitions of Software License Fees

Software License Fees. Fee per Primary Token: [ ] Fee per Overdraft Token: [ ] 总到期数量: [ ] Expiration Date for Tokens: [ ] 令牌到期日: [ ] Automatic Renewal Term: [ ] 自动续约期限: [ ] Remark End user hereby confirms and agrees that Software License Fees of this Agreement shall be paid to AVEVA through the Distributor according to the Distributer Agreement. If the Distributor does not perform the obligation of the payment according to the Distributer Agreement or AVEVA is told by the Distributor that End User has been changed, End User may not receive Software or other deliveries or won’t be able to use Software or this EULA will be terminated immediately. 备注 最终用户在此确认并同意,本协议有关软件的许可费通过经销商根据经销协议支付。如果上述经销商未能按经销协议履行相应付款义务,或者经销商告知 AVEVA 最终用户发生变更的,最终用户可能将无法收到相应软件或者其他交付物或者无法继续使用有关软件或者本 EULA 将相应立即终止。 Usage Based Licensing Model (UBL): 基 于 使 用 的 许 可 模 式 (“UBL”): Token Weight Table 令牌权重 表 Product Name Product Code License Model Type License Term Tokens per User per Access Period Support Services and Fees Additional Product Schedule (including URL) 产品名称 产品编号 许可模式类型 许可期限 每位用户 每段使用期的令牌 其他产品附录 (包括 URL) 适用的附件 [ ] [ ] UBL [ ] [ ] □ Not included Software Schedule: [URL to be added] 软件附录:[待添加 URL] [ ] [ ] UBL [ ] [ ] □ 未包括在内 □ Included at no additional cost during License Term □ 许可期限内不包含任何额 外费用 □ Support purchased separately for License Term for [ ] □ 根据[ ]许可期限单独 购买的支持 □ Support purchased separately for [ ] for [ ] □ 根据[ ] [ ] 单独 购买的支持 License Restrictions/Scope of License: Quantity of Tokens: [ ] Location(s): [ ] 许可限制/许可范围: 透支令牌: [ ] 所在地: [ ] 总到期数量: [ ] 每个补充令牌的费用: [ ] Expiration Date for Tokens: [ ] 令牌到期日: [ ] Automatic Renewal Term: [ ] 自动续约期限: [ ] Remark End user hereby confirms and agrees that Software License Fees of this Agreement shall be paid to AVEVA through the Distributor according to the Distributer Agreement. If the Distributor does not perform the obligation of the payment according to the Distributer Agreement or AVEVA is told by the Distributor that End User has been changed, End User may not receive Software or other deliveries or won’t be able to use Software or this EULA will be terminated immediately.
Software License Fees means those Fees for a Software License, payable by VAR to Nuance.
Software License Fees means the fees for Software licensed by Customer as identified in the SOW or invoices.
Software License Fees. User Fees”, "Software Cost", "Software" or similar as indicated in the marketplace offerings and agreements) to the cloud provider. FlashGrid, at its sole discretion, may suspend its maintenance and support services to Customer, revoke software licenses, or terminate the Agreement if Customer fails to meet payment terms of an invoice from the cloud provider that includes Cloud Marketplace Software Fees incurred for the use of Licensed Software.
Software License Fees means those Fees for an Limited Use License and/or a Full Use License, payable by VAR to Nuance as described in an EXHIBIT B ("FULL USE LICENSE") or an EXHIBIT C ("LIMITED USE LICENSE").
Software License Fees means amounts payable by Customer to DataBank in accordance with Appendix C to DIR Contract No. DIR‐TSO‐4342 as license fees for Software.
Software License Fees has the meaning set forth in Section 5.1(a). --------------------- --------------