Examples of Repair of motor vehicles in a sentence
Repair of motor vehicles or trailers, including rebuilding or reconditioning of engines and/or transmissions; collision services including body, frame or fender straightening or repair; overall painting or paint shop and vehicle steam cleaning.
Maintenance and Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, snowmobiles and road transport Equipment(CPC 6112, CPC 6122, partof CPC 8867 and part of CPC 8868)SE: Economic needs tests apply when an investors intends to establish its own terminal infrastructure facilities.
By sector of activity, the largest share in GVA was recorded by Manufacturing enterprises (31.3%), Wholesale and Retail Trade and Repair of motor vehicles (18.1%), Transport and Storage (9.0%) and Information and communications (8.7%), while the highest real growth of gross value added in the last year was recorded in the Construction sector (16.8%) and in the Information and communication sector (8.2%) (SORS, 2019).
CATHSSETA delivers its services to a diverse economic sector comprising six (6) sub-sectors that are outlined below: Arts, Culture and Heritage; Conservation; Gaming and Lotteries; Hospitality; Sport, Recreation and Fitness; and Travel and Tourism.
Eleven industry sectors were generated from the sample: Education, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Wholesale and Retail; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, Financial and insurance activities, Accommodation and catering services, Water supply; Wastewater management, Control of waste disposal processes and similar activities, Transport and storage, Information and communication, Public administration and defense; Compulsory social security, Construction.
Thus it is infeasible for the deviant to charge an interest rate such that there is no double-dipping.4(b).
An oil-immersion lens having a numerical aperture (NA) of 1.4 and an air lens with NA=0.9 were used for focusing of the laser beam on the gold film deposited on microscope cover-glass substrates.
In particular, we used the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) of the wrist joint as an illustrative scenario to discuss how part-based semantic annotation of 3D medical data may be designed to support clinical investigation.
Repair of motor vehicles or trailers, including rebuilding or reconditioning of engines or transmissions, collision services including body, frame, or fender straightening or repair; overall painting or paint shop; vehicle street cleaning.
Repair of motor vehicles, boats, surfboards or other equipment and/or storage of such equipment, is not permitted in the parking stalls or other parking areas of a Project.(t) Towels.