Examples of Reinsurance Transactions in a sentence
Reinsurance Transactions Effective December 31, 1988, the Company entered into a modified coinsurance reinsurance agreement ("MODCO") with Aetna Life Insurance Company ("Aetna Life"), an affiliate company, in which substantially all of the non-participating individual life and annuity business written by Aetna Life prior to 1981 was assumed by the Company.
As none of the applicable percentage ratios for the amounts of premiums and commissions of the Outward Reinsurance Transactions exceeds the 5% threshold under Rule 14A.76 of the Listing Rules, the Outward Reinsurance Transactions are only subject to the reporting, annual review and announcement requirements and are exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
The parties will treat any such Election Statements as addenda to the relevant reinsurance agreements (in the case of any Reinsurance Transactions) or to this Agreement (in the case of any deemed reinsurance transactions).
The last column divides the found percentages (column 3) by the expected (column 2).
Related Party Reinsurance Transactions The Company has reinsurance agreements with certain of the Holding Company’s subsidiaries, including Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, First MetLife Investors Insurance Company, MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut, MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company, MetLife Investors Insurance Company, MetLife Europe Limited (“MEL”), New England Life Insurance Company and Alico Life International Limited, all of which are related parties.
The Reinsurance Transactions consist of both treaty and facultative business and the range of risks covered includes all lines of general reinsurance risks and certain classes of long term reinsurance risks on both a proportional and non-proportional basis.
Intra-Group Reinsurance Transactions (commonly known as IGRs) are essentially the same as similar reinsurance transactions between two unconnected regulated legal entities, and much of the rationale for entering and executing such transactions is identical.
Following the Closing, Buyer shall keep Seller reasonably informed on a regular basis as to the status of all regulatory approvals for the Proposed Wilton Reinsurance Transactions covering the Financed Business to be entered into after the Closing.
The Actuarial Standards Board issued Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOP) 11, Financial Statement Treatment of Reinsurance Transactions Involving Life or Health Insurance.
Effective January 1, 2015, having ceded the maximum amounts permitted under the QSR Reinsurance Transactions, Radian Guaranty is no longer ceding NIW under these agreements.