Examples of Purchase of development rights in a sentence
Purchase of development rights allows a public or private entity to purchase development rights from a voluntary property owner, leaving the property owner with ownership of the land, limited use of the property, and a tax reduction.
Purchase of development rights is one of several voluntary, incentive based means for achieving public benefits through private land conservation.
Purchase of development rights are sometimes also called purchase of conservation easements, since the land continues in private ownership and management, but it can no longer be developed for urban uses.
Purchase of development rights (PDR) involves a local government or nonprofit purchasing development rights while the land remains privately owned.
Examples include:- Farmland protection;- Conservation easements;- Tax policies (such as credits for tree planting, retention, or easement expenses);- Purchase of development rights; and- Development practices that promote buffer retention (such as density compensations, pollution removal credits for buffers in stormwater management plans, more flexible use of buffer resources, and off-site mitigation or buffer trading within existing regulatory programs).
Save as disclosed below, as at LPD, the Board is not aware of any other material commitments incurred or known to be incurred by the Eastland Group, which upon becoming enforceable, may have a material impact on the results or financial position of the Eastland Group:- Amount RM’000 Purchase of development rights pursuant to the CSPA as disclosed in Section 10 of this Circular8,000 5.
Purchase of development rights or credits can be used where land is declared to be in a preservation zone and kept for agricultural purposes.
Private PES are self-organized schemes between private entities which involve; Direct payments by service beneficiaries to service providers for the protection or restoration of watershed services; Cost-sharing among involved private parties; Purchase of land and lease back to former owner with the objective to ensure watershed services originating from the land in question; or Purchase of development rights to land which are separated from property rights.
The sludge generated by the treatment process is stored on-site in a holding tank until being shipped for disposal to the Bergen Point Wastewater Facility, located on the south shore of the Long Island mainland.The Village has completed an engineering analysis of the treatment plant and, on the basis of the findings of that analysis, has initiated a five-year capital plan for plant maintenance and a full engineering evaluation of the total system.
Purchase of development rights would be pursued for the Densieski agricultural tract at the critical scenic gateway intersection of CR 104 and Lewis Road.