Political committee definition

Political committee means any committee, club, association, or other group of
Political committee means any committee, club, association, or other group of persons which receives contributions or makes expenditures for political purposes and includes the following:
Political committee means any person (except a

Examples of Political committee in a sentence

  • Political committee" means 2 or more persons associated for the purpose of promoting or defeating a candidate, party or principle.[PL 1985, c.

  • Sickness absence is defined as an individual’s absence from work due to health problems like illness, health care, or medical examinations.

  • The conference also officially designated five working committees: the Legal and Political committee, chaired by Mr. Mustapha Niasse, the former Senegalese Prime Minister; Defence and Security committee, chaired by Gen.

  • Section 100.5 is amended by adding new paragraphs (e)(6) and (7) to read as follows:§ 100.5 Political committee (2 U.S.C.431(4), (5), (6)).* * * * *(e) * * *(6) Leadership PAC.

  • Political committee" means 2 or more persons associated for the purpose of promoting or defeating a candidate, party or principle.[ 1985, c.

More Definitions of Political committee

Political committee means any person (except a candidate or
Political committee means "political committee" as defined in § 24.2-945.1.
Political committee means any person (except a candidate or an individual dealing with the candidate's or individual's own funds or property) having the expectation of receiving contributions or making expenditures in support of, or opposition to, any candidate or any ballot proposition.
Political committee means a combination of two or more individuals or a person other than an individual who makes a contribution or expenditure:
Political committee means a combination of two or more individuals or a person other than an
Political committee means two or more [a group of] persons acting in concert with [that has as] a principal purpose of accepting political contributions or making political expenditures. The term does not include a group composed exclusively of two or more individual filers or political committees required to file reports under this title who make reportable expenditures for a joint activity.