Examples of Nursery stock in a sentence
Nursery stock, strawberry plants and vegetable plants grown or originating in the counties of Miller and Little River, and in any other counties in which the phymatotrichum root disease is hereafter found to exist, which are affected with said disease, shall be prohibited from moving into any other portion of the state or into other states.
Nursery stock purchased from outside Florida and shipped directly to the project site is not Florida commercial nursery stock.
Planting shall comply to BS:4428 Code of practice for general landscaping operations, BS:3996 Nursery stock specification, BS:5837 Trees in relation to construction and BS:7370 Recommendations for establishing and managing grounds maintenance organisations and for design considerations related to maintenance.
Nursery stock normally subject to post-entry quarantine may be imported from MPI-approved (registered) facilities overseas under predetermined conditions, with a reduced PEQ requirement following arrival in New Zealand.
Nursery stock shall be container grown and shall be a minimum stock size of a 3L pot.