Examples of Megawatt Hours in a sentence
Electric Net Generation (Megawatt Hours) Based on the electric net generation (megawatt hours) at the end of the most recent calendar year.
Electric Net Generation (Megawatt Hours) Based on the electric net generation (megawatt hours) at the end of the most recent calendar year.
Kilowatt-hour or “kWh” shall mean three decimal six million (3.6 10E6) Joule
On-Peak Hours means Hour Ending (“HE”) 0800 through HE 2300 EPT, Monday through Friday, excluding Saturday, Sunday and PJM holidays.
Service Hours means the amount of time (measured in hours or fractions thereof) a Unit is Delivering Energy or Ancillary Services pursuant to a Dispatch Notice.
Base Hours means the hours of work for which a staff member receives compensation. Base hours shall include overtime hours for which a staff member is paid additional or overtime compensation, and hours for which a staff member receives workers’ compensation benefits. Base hours shall also include hours a staff member would have worked except for having been in military service. Base hours do not include hours for when a staff member receives other types of compensation, such as administrative, personal leave, vacation, or sick leave.
Ordinary Hours means the Ordinary Hours that the Employee is required to work which are 36 hours per week, 8 hours per day Monday to Friday (with 0.8 hours per day accruing for a paid Rostered Day Off)
Core Hours means the period beginning at 8am and ending at 6.30pm on any day from Monday to Friday except Good Friday, Christmas Day or bank holidays;
Planned Outage means the removal of equipment from service availability for inspection and/or general overhaul of one or more major equipment groups. To qualify as a Planned Outage, the maintenance (a) must actually be conducted during the Planned Outage, and in Seller’s sole discretion must be of the type that is necessary to reliably maintain the Project, (b) cannot be reasonably conducted during Project operations, and (c) causes the generation level of the Project to be reduced by at least ten percent (10%) of the Contract Capacity.
Off-Peak Hours means those hours which are not On-Peak Hours.
Clock hour means either of the following:
Planned Downtime means planned downtime for upgrades and maintenance to the Services scheduled in advance of such upgrades and maintenance.
Load means energy consumed by Customers together with allocated losses and unaccounted for energy;
low voltage means the set of nominal voltage levels that are used for the distribution of electricity and whose upper limit is generally accepted to be an a.c. voltage of 1000V ( or a d.c. voltage of 1500 V). [SANS 1019]
Potential electrical output capacity means, with regard to a unit, 33 per- cent of the maximum design heat input of the unit.
Labor hours means the total hours of workers receiving an hourly wage who are directly employed upon the public works project. "Labor hours" includes hours performed by workers employed by the contractor and all subcontractors working on the project. "Labor hours" does not include hours worked by foremen, superintendents, owners, and workers who are not subject to prevailing wage requirements.
kWh means kilowatt-hour.
MWh means megawatt-hour.