Examples of Major Injury in a sentence
Safety/health: Major injury or illness/disease causing long-term disability to one or more people objectives: Failure toachieve a strategic plan objective.Extreme (8)Service delivery/performance: Service disruption > 4 weeks.
Major injury such as fracture, amputation, dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee or spine.
Murray Chotiner, a manager of Nixon’s 1950 campaign and adviser, said to him, “To hell with them,” and convinced Nixon to leave for his next stop.
Major injury: A trauma care systems needs to be put in place by every hospital receiving patients with major trauma.
Major injury, illness, or medical condition/status in a student’s immediate family (as defined in Policy 346.1 of the USU Policies Manual).
Major injury is not likely but if necessary, a call to 911 will be placed.
Major injury(Poważny uraz – ciężki wypadek)Minor injury(Drobny uraz – lekki wypadek)Property Damage(Uszkodzenia generujące straty materialne)Near–miss incidents(Zdarzenia potencjalnie wypadkowe) Major injury or absence (Poważny uraz lub absencja) Light injury (Lekkie urazy) Accidents without injury (Wypadki bez urazów) Fig.
Major injury such as burns, surgical material left, drug side effect, brain damage, where recovery is complete but delayed.
For original data formats that include Hispanic as a race code, rather than an ethnicity code, the ethnicity of victims not coded as Hispanic should be coded as unknown and their race reported in variable TR038 above.VICTIM 1 INJURYIndicate the extent to which victim 1 was injured during the incident.1 Major injury — requiring medical treatment2 Minor injury — not requiring medical treatment3 No injury9 Unknown — Information regarding victim injury is not available.
This means regulators visiting a branch office are often not there because of a complaint or knowledge of unsuitable activities.