Examples of Locational Deliverability Area in a sentence
If a Capacity Resource is located in more than one Locational Deliverability Area, it shall be paid the highest Locational Price Adder in any applicable LDA in which the Sell Offer for such Capacity Resource cleared.
For Qualified Transmission Upgrades, the credit requirements shall be based on the Locational Deliverability Area in which such upgrade was to increase the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit.
The Office of Interconnection shall establish locational requirements prior to the Base Residual Auction to quantify the amount of Unforced Capacity that must be committed in each Locational Deliverability Area, in accordance with the PJM Reliability Assurance Agreement.
YeboYethu owns a maximum of 3.44% of Vodacom SA prior to the participation date, as defined in the memorandum of incorporation of Vodacom SA (i.e the date upon which the notional outstandings of a Vodacom SA A share equal zero, or Vodacom SA has exercised and implemented the public call option, whichever occurs first).
For this auction, PJM was required to post the planning parameters on August 29, 2022.18 The auction bidding Locational Deliverability Area Reliability Requirement).
PJM argues that “any prediction of anticipated clearing prices based on a posted Locational Deliverability Area Reliability Requirement is not guaranteed.”274 PJM contends that sellers that chose to make business decisions based on anticipated prices did so at their own risk.
As an example, PJM states that a proportionately large quantity of solar resources has a relatively lower capacity value in near winter-peaking LDAs. 24 PJM ER23-729-000 Transmittal at 12-13 (citing PJM, Intra-PJM Tariffs, Definitions L-M-N (definition of Locational Deliverability Area Reliability Requirement).
Capacity prices depend on the Locational Deliverability Area (LDA) in which generation sources are located.
For the 2007/2008 Delivery Year, only Capacity Credits confirmed by the Office of the Interconnection to have been entered into prior to April 1, 2006 will be settled based on the marginal value of system capacity ($/MW-day) as determined under section 5.14(a) in the Base Residual Auction for such Delivery Year, plus any Locational Price Adder determined in such auction for the Locational Deliverability Area that corresponds to the Mid-Atlantic Region plus the Allegheny Power System Zone.
It is recognized that the variable resource requirement reflected in the Variable Resource Requirement Curve can result in an optimized auction clearing in which the level of Capacity Resources committed for a Delivery Year exceeds the PJM Region Reliability Requirement (less the Forecast RTO ILR Obligation) or Locational Deliverability Area Reliability Requirement (less the Forecast Zonal ILR Obligation for the Zones associated with such LDA) for such Delivery Year.