Level of Protection definition

Level of Protection or “LOP” shall mean all the rehabilitation projects and corrective actions necessary to limit the occurrence of sanitary sewer overflows to one event for each of the specified return periods of time (e.g. one overflow event in five years). LOP shall be based on peak flow recurrence.
Level of Protection means the probability of flooding in any one year. It is expressed as 1 in x annual chance of flooding (e.g., 1 in 50 annual chance of flooding is a 50-year level of protection.”). This term is different than “Design Level of Performance” which deals with the performance level of the facility at issue based on the original intended design.
Level of Protection or "LOP" is often used to describe the events that the FCW is expected to protect against. However, LOP can be misleading, so recently the Army Corps of Engineers in conjunction with FEMA have begun to adopt a more precise definition of levee performance that is still ongoing. In general a typical FCW that has a 100 year LOP would be described as providing a 90 -95 percent probability of containing a I percent annual probability event, assuming that the FCW has perfect integrity. Perfect integrity however, is a very strong assumption that at times does not hold. PROJECT INFORMATION REPORT REHABILITATION OF FLOOD CONTROL WORKS Cedar River at Renton CED -1 -07 improvement value of this parcel is $14,013,200. Using the Marshal & Swift valuation service and the building data on the King County tax assessor website the total depreciated replacement values of the 34 structures was estimated to be $24.9

Examples of Level of Protection in a sentence

  • Specifically, the Phase II Plan must address any remaining deficiencies identified during the sewershed studies performed under the 2002 Consent Decree that are necessary to achieve the required five-year Level of Protection (LOP), with additional measures to achieve a ten-year LOP in identified sensitive areas.

  • As discussed above, the stormwater management facility is designed to provide an Enhanced Level of Protection (long-term average removal of 80% TSS).

  • Further details on the capacity of the WWTP are provided in the Attachment 7-3-2 Equivalent Level of Protection (Sewer).

  • Funding Recipient has acknowledged the current Level of Protection and flood risk through a resolution or resolutions adopted and signed by the governing bodies of all affected cities or counties and other agencies with flood management responsibilities located in the areas protected by their proposed projects.

  • Recently there has been much attention paid to microbiological risk management metrics for verifying that food safety systems achieve a specified level of public health control, e.g., the Appropriate Level of Protection (ALOP), for microbial hazards.Microbiological risk management metrics are fully discussed in Annex II of the Codex ‘‘Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Management (MRM)’’ (Ref.

  • Table 4.2 – Secondary System Level of Protection (AEP) * Flooding is allowed at these levels of protection, but the road must be passable by light vehicles.

  • For indoor group fitness, includes microphone use so that instructors are not required to raise their voices beyond a normal speaking volume.- Included BCCDC’s statement on indoor exercise as a high-risk activity for virus transmission when community levels of COVID-19 are high- Under First Level of Protection, included that signage is posted in each room so instructors and participants are aware and ensure capacity is not exceeded (Administrative Measure).

  • Accordingly, the biosecurity risk can be managed to a level which achieves Australia’s Appropriate Level of Protection (ALOP) through a stringent testing regime applied pre-export and post arrival, which reduces the likelihood of entry.

  • Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021 Update TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY - Damages Avoided; Evidence of Success - Level of Protection Discontinued; there is no way to pursue due to disagreement between landowners.

  • It was found that some voltage values previously stated were too low.– 14 – IEC 60079-0:2017  IEC 2017 C6 The now required EPL marking may be other than that permitted by the Level of Protection to account for limiting restrictions of material or plastic material surface area.C7 Additional instruction material for electric machines required to facilitate selection, installation, and maintenance.C8 Additional instruction material for cable glands required to facilitate selection and installation.

Related to Level of Protection

  • Fire Protection means all aspects of fire safety including but not limited to fire prevention, firefighting or Fire Suppression, pre-fire planning, fire investigation, public education and information, training or other staff development;

  • MFN Protection has the meaning set forth in Section 2.14(e)(iii).

  • Cathodic protection means a technique designed to prevent the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell. For example, protection can be accomplished with an impressed current system or a galvanic anode system.

  • Community protection zone means the area within eight

  • Data Protection Act means Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information.

  • Data Protection means the implementation of appropriate administrative, technical or physical means to guard against unauthorized intentional or accidental disclosure, modification, or destruction of data.

  • Data Protection Laws means all laws and regulations that govern the access, use, disclosure, or protection of Personal Data to which a party is subject with respect to the Service or the Software.

  • Data Protection Law means the applicable legislation protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons and their right to privacy with regard to the processing of Personal Data under the Agreement (and includes, as far as it concerns the relationship between the parties regarding the processing of Personal Data by SAP on behalf of Customer, the GDPR as a minimum standard, irrespective of whether the Personal Data is subject to GDPR or not).

  • EU Data Protection Laws means EU Directive 95/46/EC, as transposed into domestic legislation of each Member State and as amended, replaced or superseded from time to time, including by the GDPR and laws implementing or supplementing the GDPR;

  • Data Protection Acts means Data Protection Act 1988, as amended by the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003, and as may be modified, amended, supplemented, consolidated or re- enacted from time to time;

  • fall protection plan means a documented plan, which includes and provides for -

  • EU Data Protection Law means (i) prior to 25 May 2018, Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data ("Directive") and on and after 25 May 2018, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) ("GDPR"); and (ii) Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of Personal Data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector and applicable national implementations of it (as may be amended, superseded or replaced).

  • application for international protection means a request made by a third country national or a stateless person for protection from a Member State, who can be understood to seek refugee status or subsidiary protection status, and who does not explicitly request another kind of protection, outside the scope of this Directive, that can be applied for separately;

  • Electrical protection barrier means the part providing protection against any direct contact to the high voltage live parts.

  • Electricity Act means the Electricity Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Schedule A;

  • Data Protection Laws and Regulations means all laws and regulations, including laws and regulations of the European Union, the European Economic Area and their member states, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, applicable to the Processing of Personal Data under the Agreement.

  • European Data Protection Laws means data protection laws applicable in Europe, including: (i) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) ("GDPR"); (ii) Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector; and (iii) applicable national implementations of (i) and (ii); or (iii) GDPR as it forms parts of the United Kingdom domestic law by virtue of Section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("UK GDPR"); and (iv) Swiss Federal Data Protection Act on 19 June 1992 and its Ordinance ("Swiss DPA"); in each case, as may be amended, superseded or replaced.

  • Technology protection measure means a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are:

  • Data Protection Requirements means all applicable (i) Data Protection Laws, (ii) Privacy Policies and (iii) those terms of any Contracts imposing obligations on the Company or its Subsidiaries with respect to the Company’s collection, use, storage, disclosure, or cross-border transfer of Personal Data.

  • Fire protection system means any device or system designed and installed to:

  • Flood Protection System means those physical structural works for which funds have been authorized, appropriated, and expended and which have been constructed specifically to modify flooding in order to reduce the extent of the area within a community subject to a "special flood hazard" and the extent of the depths of associated flooding. Such a system typically includes hurricane tidal barriers, dams, reservoirs, levees or dikes. These specialized flood modifying works are those constructed in conformance with sound engineering standards.

  • Department of Health and Human Services means the Department of Health and Human Services

  • Cathodic protection tester means a person who can demonstrate an understanding of the principles and measurements of all common types of cathodic protection systems as applied to buried or submerged metal piping and tank systems. At a minimum, such persons must have education and experience in soil resistivity, stray current, structure-to-soil potential, and component electrical isolation measurements of buried metal piping and tank systems.

  • Consumer Protection Act means the Consumer Protection Act, No. 68 of 2008 (as amended from time to time).

  • General Data Protection Regulation GDPR" means regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European parliament and of the council as amended from time to time.

  • European Data Protection Law means, as applicable: (a) the GDPR; and/or (b) the Federal Data Protection Act of 19 June 0000 (Xxxxxxxxxxx).