Examples of Health Home in a sentence
Angela will no longer be listed on HH B’s Health Home Assignment file since HH B no longer has an assignment with Angela.
If a member is under 21, then a provider cannot create a segment for that member unless the member has either an active or a pending assignment with the Health Home at the time of the segment begin date.
For HHs, this file will contain all segments that contain the downloading provider’s MMIS Provider ID in the Health Home MMIS ID field.
Tracking File Assignment Records DescriptionHHs use this file to accept, reject, and end member assignments made via straight referrals, either directly to the HH or via the MCP; to create assignments for their CMAs; and to accept, reject, and end member assignments on behalf of their CMAs. CMAs use this file to accept, reject, and end member assignments from HHs. VFCA CMAs can also use this file to assign a Health Home.
A home and community-based service provider who is not also an approved State Plan Health Home provider may not conduct person-centered service planning with individuals who they also provide HCBS, unless that service provider is the only qualified and willing entity available to conduct the service planning.