Fostering Futures definition

Fostering Futures means the services and support available to individuals between 18 and 21
Fostering Futures means the services and support available to individuals between 18 and 21 years of age who are participating in the Fostering Futures program.
Fostering Futures. Virginia’s program that implements provisions of the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 that permit states to utilize federal title IV-E funding to provide xxxxxx care maintenance payments and services and adoption assistance for youth ages 18 to 21. The program offers services and support to youth transitioning to adulthood and self-sufficiency regardless of funding source.

Examples of Fostering Futures in a sentence

  • If the foster youth lives in an independent living arrangement and is receiving a maintenance payment as a Fostering Futures participant, the minor child is also eligible for a maintenance payment and would not be eligible for TANF.

  • A caseworker shall also have a monthly face-to-face visit with the young adult who is over the age of 18 and in the Fostering Futures Program.

  • The MOA has been expanded to age 21 to include the Fostering Futures population.

  • Currently, there are 796 participants in the Fostering Futures program served by DSS, but it is assumed that they do not require additional hearings to remain in the program.

  • If a youth eligible under Fostering Futures was receiving title IV-E kinship guardianship assistance prior to age 18, title IV-E assistance shall continue without further determination; if the youth was receiving state kinship guardianship assistance, state assistance shall continue with FAPT approval.

  • At the time of completion of or withdrawal from secondary schooling, these young adults shall be immediately transitioned into the Fostering Futures program.

  • Once the child reaches the age of 18, and enters the Fostering Futures Program, APRs shall occur every six (6) months, unless the court chooses to schedule a court review.

  • If the annual affidavit shows that the youth no longer meets at least one of the participation conditions, the LDSS should take steps to terminate the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Agreement through procedures outlined in Section 10.22.3. If extended assistance under Fostering Futures is terminated due to the youth’s failure to continue to meet one of the participation conditions, kinship guardianship assistance cannot be reinstated once it is terminated using Fostering Futures funding.

  • The Kinship Guardianship Assistance Agreement shall only be terminated, as specified in the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Agreement, when the LDSS determines that any one of the following circumstances occurs: • The youth reaches the age of 18 years, unless the LDSS determines the youth has a mental or physical condition that warrants continuation of kinship guardianship assistance beyond the age of 18 years or the youth is eligible under Fostering Futures.

  • A child age 18 and over who is in an Independent Living arrangement with a local department of social services or in the Fostering Futures Program is considered a former foster care child and may be eligible in the Former Foster Care Child Under Age 26 covered group.4. KinshipGuardianship PaymentsKinship Guardianship Payments are not income.

Related to Fostering Futures

  • Determining Futures Exchangei means the options and/or futures exchange, on which respective derivatives of the respective Basket Componenti (the "Derivatives") are mostly liquidly traded, such options and/or futures exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith, by way of notice pursuant to § 6 of the General Conditions.In the case of a material change in the market conditions at the Determining Futures Exchangei, such as a final discontinuation of derivatives' quotation linked to the respective Basket Componenti at the Determining Futures Exchangei, or a considerably restricted number or liquidity, it shall be substituted as the Determining Futures Exchangei by another options and/or futures exchange that offers satisfactorily liquid trading in the Derivatives (the "Substitute Futures Exchangei"); such options and/or futures exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith. In the event of such substitution, any reference to the Determining Futures Exchangei in these Terms and Conditions of these Securities shall from then on be deemed to refer to the Substitute Futures Exchangei.

  • Determining Futures Exchange means the options and/or futures exchange, on which respective derivatives of the Underlying (the "Derivatives") are mostly liquidly traded, such options and/or futures exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith by way of notice pursuant to § 6 of the General Conditions.In the case of a material change in the market conditions at the Determining Futures Exchange, such as a final discontinuation of derivatives' quotation linked to the Underlying at the Determining Futures Exchange or a considerably restricted number or liquidity, it shall be substituted as the Determining Futures Exchange by another options and/or futures exchange that offers satisfactorily liquid trading in the Derivatives (the "Substitute Futures Exchange"); such options and/or futures exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith. In the event of such substitution, any reference to the Determining Futures Exchange in the Terms and Conditions of these Securities shall be deemed to refer to the Substitute Futures Exchange.

  • Recognised Futures Exchange means an international futures exchange which is recognised by the SFC or which is approved by the Manager.

  • CFPC means the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

  • Futures means a futures contract which gives the buyer the obligation to purchase a specific asset, and the seller to sell and deliver that asset at a specific future date, unless such contract is terminated prior to such date for any reason;

  • Manufactured home dealer means any person, firm or

  • DGS&D means Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals

  • Manufactured housing means a structural unit or units designed for occupancy and constructed in a manufacturing facility and transported, by the use of its own chassis or an independent chassis, to a building site. The term includes any type of building that is constructed at a manufacturing facility and transported to a building site where it is used for housing and may be purchased or sold by a dealer in the interim. For purposes of this section, 2 types of manufactured housing are included. Those 2 types are:

  • Consumer-goods transaction means a consumer transaction in which:

  • Stock Index Futures Contract means a bilateral agreement pursuant to which the parties agree to take or make delivery of an amount of cash equal to a specified dollar amount times the difference between the value of a particular stock index at the close of the last business day of the contract and the price at which the futures contract is originally struck.

  • Consumer goods means goods that are used or bought for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

  • Trading means and includes subscribing, buying, selling, dealing, or agreeing to subscribe, buy, sell, deal in any securities, and "trade" shall be construed accordingly.

  • Authorized nuclear pharmacist means a pharmacist who:

  • Manufactured-home transaction means a secured transaction:

  • retail investor means an investor who is not a professional investor;

  • NYSE American means the NYSE American LLC;

  • Portfolio Securities or "investments" of the Series shall mean, respectively, such assets, net assets, securities, portfolio securities or investments which are from time to time under the management of the Subadviser pursuant to this Agreement.

  • AIM means the AIM market operated by the London Stock Exchange;

  • Agricultural burning means open outdoor fires used in agricultural operations in the growing of crops or raising of fowl or animals, or open outdoor fires used in forest management, range improvement, or the improvement of land for wildlife and game habitat, or disease or pest prevention.

  • Financial Futures Contract means the firm commitment to buy or sell fixed income securities including, without limitation, U.S. Treasury Bills, U.S. Treasury Notes, U.S. Treasury Bonds, domestic bank certificates of deposit, and Eurodollar certificates of deposit, during a specified month at an agreed upon price.

  • Homeless means lacking fixed, regular and adequate housing. You may be homeless if you are living in shelters, parks, motels, hotels, public spaces, camping grounds, cars, abandoned buildings, or temporarily living with other people because you have nowhere else to go. Also, if you are living in any of these situations and fleeing an abusive parent, you may be considered homeless even if your parent would otherwise provide a place to live.

  • WHMT A “Widely Held Mortgage Trust” as that term is defined in Treasury Regulations section 1.671-5(b)(23) or successor provisions.

  • Selling and "SELLS" shall refer to the act of selling or disposing of for value.

  • Manufactured/mobile home means either a manufactured home or a mobile home;

  • agricultural holding means a portion of land not less than 0.8 hectares in extent used solely or mainly for the purpose of agriculture, horticulture or for breeding or keeping domesticated animals, poultry or bees;

  • Commodity Futures Trading Commission means the independent regulatory agency established by congress to administer the Commodity Exchange Act.