Federal financial assistance definition

Federal financial assistance means any grant, loan, contract (other than a procurement contract or a contract of insurance or guaranty), or any other arrangement by which the Department provides or otherwise makes available assistance in the form of:
Federal financial assistance means any grant, entitlement, loan, coopera- tive agreement, contract (other than a procurement contract or a contract of insurance or guaranty), or any other arrangement by which the agency pro- vides or otherwise makes available as- sistance in the form of:
Federal financial assistance means Federal financial assistance that the Unit receives or administers in the form of grants, cooperative agreements, non-cash contributions or donations of property (including donated surplus property), direct appropriations, food commodities, and other Federal financial assistance (except that the term does not include loans, loan guarantees, interest subsidies, or insurance).

Examples of Federal financial assistance in a sentence

  • It extends the prohibition of discrimination in federally assisted programs established by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 to all activities of State and local governments, including those that do not receive Federal financial assistance, and incorporates specific prohibitions of discrimination on the basis of disability in Titles I, III, and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  • For those new to Federal financial assistance, NIFA’s Grants Overview provides highly recommended information about grants and other resources to help understand the Federal awards process.

  • Where the sponsor receives a grant or other Federal financial assistance in the form of, or for the acquisition of real property or an interest in real property, the assurance will extend to rights to space on, over, or under such property.

  • No person in the United States shall, on the basis of age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under, any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

  • With respect to a project approved after January 1, 1995, for the replacement or reconstruction of pavement at the airport, it assures or certifies that it has implemented an effective airport pavement maintenance-management program and it assures that it will use such program for the useful life of any pavement constructed, reconstructed or repaired with Federal financial assistance at the airport.

More Definitions of Federal financial assistance

Federal financial assistance means a grant, loan, or contribution provided by the United States; however, “federal financial assistance” does not include any federal guarantee or insurance and any interest reduction payment to an individual in connection with the purchase and occupancy of a residence by that individual.
Federal financial assistance means aid provided to students by the federal government in the form of grants, loans, or work-study programs.
Federal financial assistance means assist- ance provided by a Federal agency in the form of grants, contracts, cooperative agree- ments, loans, loan guarantees, property, in- terest subsidies, insurance, or direct appro- priations, but does not include direct Federal cash assistance to individuals. It includes awards received directly from Federal agen- cies, or indirectly through other units of State and local governments.
Federal financial assistance means any grant, loan, contract or any other arrangement by which the U.S. Department of Education provides or otherwise makes available assistance in the form of funds, services of federal personnel, or real and personal property. (34 CFR 104.3(h))
Federal financial assistance means any of the following, when authorized or extended under a law administered by the Department:
Federal financial assistance means assistance provided directly by a Federal agency to a recipient or a subrecipient or through a recipient to a subrecipient to carry out a program or activity. Such assistance may be in the form of:
Federal financial assistance means any financial benefits provided directly as aid to a project by a department, agency, or instrumentality of the Fed- eral government in any form including contracts, grants, and loan guarantees. Actions or programs carried out by the Federal government itself such as dredging performed by the Army Corps of Engineers do not involve Federal fi- nancial assistance. Actions performed for the Federal government by contrac- tors, such as construction of roads on Federal lands by a contractor under the supervision of the Bureau of Land Management, should be distinguished from contracts entered into specifi- cally for the purpose of providing fi- nancial assistance, and will not be con- sidered programs or actions receiving Federal financial assistance. Federal financial assistance is limited to bene- fits earmarked for a specific program or action and directly awarded to the program or action. Indirect assistance, e.g., in the form of a loan to a devel- oper by a lending institution which in turn receives Federal assistance not specifically related to the project in question is not Federal financial assist- ance under section 1424(e).