Examples of Election to Participate in a sentence
Each bidder electing to permit COSTARS Members to participate in the Contract must submit the COSTARS Program Election to Participate form with its bid submittal and pay the applicable Administrative Fee upon Contract award in order to sell the awarded items/services to COSTARS Members.
If the bidder is willing to sell the awarded items/services at the same prices and/or discounts, and in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions, to COSTARS members, the bidder should complete and return the COSTARS Program Election to Participate form which is an attachment to this IFB.
II.1 IFB-006.1b COSTARS Program Election to Participate (July 2012) 12 II.2 II-IFB-008.1b Lobbying Certification and Disclosure – Electronic Submission.
II.1 IFB-006.1b COSTARS Program Election to Participate (July 2012) 11 II.2 II-IFB-008.1b Lobbying Certification and Disclosure – Electronic Submission.
Each bidder electing to permit COSTARS Members to participate in the Contract must submit the COSTARS Program Election to Participate form with its bid submittal and pay the applicable.