Durable power of attorney for health care definition

Durable power of attorney for health care means a document created pursuant to sections 1337.11 to 1337.17 of the Revised Code.
Durable power of attorney for health care means the same as defined in section 144B.1.
Durable power of attorney for health care means a written document voluntarily executed by an individual creating a health care agency in accordance with Chapter 36 of this title; as such chapter existed on and before June 30, 2007.

Examples of Durable power of attorney for health care in a sentence

  • In Iowa, legally authorized representatives include: Substitute medical decision-making board [Iowa Code 135.29]; guardian for minor or person with impaired decision-making capacity [Iowa Code 633.562, 633.552]; attorney-in-fact, guardian, spouse, adult child, parent, adult sibling [641 Iowa Admin Code 857, Durable power of attorney for health care , Iowa Code 144B.2, 144B.3, 144.B.5].

  • Durable power of attorney for health care: a survey of senior center of advance directives.

  • Durable power of attorney for health care or financial management:d.

  • You can identify your health care agent in your living will or ask your lawyer to draft an official document needed to appoint a health care agent.• Durable power of attorney for health care.

  • Organizations with high levels of geriatric capacity have staff with knowledge of advance directives, as well as the ability to direct the consumer on how to obtain guidance and legal advice when completing the following items: Living will: a written document that specifies the end-of-life care the consumer wishes to receive. Durable power of attorney for health care: a legal document naming the consumer’s health care proxy.

More Definitions of Durable power of attorney for health care

Durable power of attorney for health care means a durable power of attorney to the extent that it authorizes an attorney-in-fact to make health care decisions for the principal.
Durable power of attorney for health care means a legal document authorized by Title 34, Chapter 6, Part 2, Tenn. Code Ann. that allows the attorney-in-fact to make decisions for health care.
Durable power of attorney for health care means a document authorizing an attorney in fact to make health care decisions for the principal if the principal is unable, in the judgment of the attending physician, to make health care decisions.
Durable power of attorney for health care means a durable power of
Durable power of attorney for health care means a document delegating to an agent the authority to make health care decisions executed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. It shall not mean forms routinely required by health and residential care providers for admissions and consent to treatment.
Durable power of attorney for health care means the instrument or document contemplated in section 7A;’’; and
Durable power of attorney for health care means a power given to a person to act on behalf of another person in the event that the resident becomes unable to give informed consent to health care as specified in California Civil Code, Sections 2430 et seq.