Examples of Curtailment Service Provider in a sentence
If the ISO determines that it has made an erroneous payment to a Curtailment Service Provider it shall have the right to recover it either by reducing other payments to that Curtailment Service Provider or by any other lawful means.
To be eligible for payment provided under this section the Curtailment Service Provider shall submit to the ISO as provided by Sections 22.8 and 22.9 above and in accordance with ISO Procedures, timely and sufficient Load reduction performance data including, but not limited to, interval metering data for each hour of the payment eligibility period.
Remote working is being provided as an option, where it is feasible, in order to facilitate this objective and to provide business continuity in the delivery of public services for the duration of the pandemic.
Each Curtailment Service Provider shall be paid the zonal Real-Time LBMP for each MWh of its verified Load reduction for the remaining hour(s) of the payment eligibility period.
When the ISO deploys an Emergency Demand Response Program event (for the purposes of this subsection, “a deployment event”), each Curtailment Service Provider shall be eligible to be paid for verified Load reductions made during each hour of the payment eligibility period.
If the ISO deploys an Emergency Demand Response Program event that exceeds three hours, each Curtailment Service Provider that reduces Load shall be paid the higher of $500/MWh or the zonal Real-Time LBMP for its verified Load reduction during each hour of the payment eligibility period.
Curtailment Service Providers may not offer to reduce NYCA Load in the Emergency Demand Response Program that has already been subscribed to the Program by another Curtailment Service Provider.
Each Curtailment Service Provider shall be paid the zonal Real-Time LBMP for each MWh of its verified Load reduction for the remaining hour of the payment eligibility period, if applicable.
Upon the ISO’s affirmative determination of an entity’s eligibility, the entity will be registered with the ISO and authorized to serve as a Meter Services Entity in order to provide metering and/or meter data services, as applicable, to a Demand Reduction Provider, DSASP Provider, Responsible Interface Party, or Curtailment Service Provider.
To qualify as a Curtailment Service Provider (CSP) you must be an LSE, Direct Customer, Curtailment Customer Aggregator or Curtailment Program End Use Customer.