Examples of Cultivation center in a sentence
Article 1, of Chapter 122, entitled “Zoning,” of the Code of Ordinances City of Rolling Meadows, Illinois is hereby amended by creating the following definitions and inserting them alphabetically into Section 122-3:Adult-Use Cannabis Business Establishment means an Adult-Use Cannabis Cultivation center or an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization, as permitted by the City as a special use in the designated zoning district and regulated by this Chapter.
Cultivation center and dispensary applicants must comply with local zoning laws, and be located at least 2,500 feet from day care cen- ters and schools.Illinois law does not permit patients or caregivers to cultivate cannabis and requires eligible patients to apply for medical can- nabis registration through the Illinois De- partment of Public Health.
Cultivation center means: a facility operated by an organization or business that is licensed by the Department of Agriculture to cultivate, process, transport (unless otherwise limited by the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act), and perform other necessary activities to provide cannabis and cannabis- infused products to cannabis business establishments.