Examples of Council of the University in a sentence
The provisions of the Agreement of the Governing Council of the University of Valencia (ACGUV/303/2021) which approves the Roadmap on public integrity measures, prevention and fight against fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest will apply to the members of this committee.To this end, they must complete the relevant declaration of absence of conflict of interest (DACI), which will be attached to the committee's constitution certificate, and form part of the administrative file.
In addition, one representative from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, three Members of Academic Council of the University, Secretaries to Government from Panchayat Raj and Finance Departments and Directors of State Departments of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry are also the Members of the Board of Management of ANGRAU.
The University, by virtue of the powers vested in it under section 3(5)(a), 12(2)(d) of the Orissa Universities Act, 1989 and under the statute 252 (4)(g) of the Orissa Universities First Statutes, 1990 read with Statute 23, has instituted courses to be offered to eligible students under P.G. Council of the University and the Constituent Colleges of the University.
It is expected that the Library Council will adopt a broad campus perspective and that the Dean of the Libraries will inform the Library Council of the University Libraries’ needs and concerns and seek advice about major modifications of policies and operations affecting the campus community.
Admission to graduate study at UCI is by authority and action of the Graduate Dean according to Academic Senate regulations and policies established by the Graduate Council of the University of California, Irvine.
I acknowledge that all fees have been determined by the Council of the University of Fort Hare.
These committees assist the Advisory Council of the University System.
The style and format of the thesis must conform to the standards set forth by the Graduate Council of the University.
Any further appeal must be initiated by filing a notice of appeal with the Secretary of the Academic Appeals Board of Governing Council of the University of Toronto no later than ninety days after the decision from which the appeal is being taken has been communicated in writing to the student.
The Students’ Representative Council of the University of Pretoria as elected and constituted in terms of the Constitution of the SRC and the Students’ Senate.