Community college district definition

Community college district means a community college district
Community college district or “district” means a district formed under this chapter to operate one or more community colleges or to secure educational services available at a community college. “Community college district” includes a community college service district.
Community college district or "District" means a district formed under ORS Chapter 341 to operate one or more community colleges or to secure educational services available at a community college.

Examples of Community college district in a sentence

  • Community college district policies and course catalogs reflect the minimum academic and progress standards adopted pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) and that appropriate notice is provided to students before the policies are put into effect.

  • Community college district size for purposes of this adjustment will be determined each year by the number of funded FTE for each community college district set forth in section (86)(b)(B) of this rule.

  • Community college district size for purposes of this adjustment will be determined each year by the FTE set forth in section (8)(b) of this rule.

  • Community college district boards of trustees shall annually evaluate the performance of the community college presidents in achieving the annual and long-term goals and objectives.

  • UNIVOIPComment: Public Contract Code §20651.5 permits the Governing Board of the Santa Monica Community college district to require each prospective bidder for a contract, to complete and submit to the college a standardized questionnaire and financial statement in a form specified by the Santa Monica Community College District, including a complete statement of the prospective bidder’s financial ability and experience in performing public works construction/ improvement projects.

More Definitions of Community college district

Community college district or “district” means a district formed under this chapter to op-
Community college district means a political subdivision of the state and a body corporate with all the powers of a corporation, comprised of the territory of one or more contiguous counties having together a total population of not less than seventy-five thousand preceding the establishment of such district, and organized for the purpose of establishing, owning, and operating a community college within the territory of such district.
Community college district means the taxing district of the community college.
Community college district means a district in which a community college is located, which district is composed of the territory of one or more school districts of the state. For the purposes of relating community college districts to existing law, community college districts and the community colleges thereof shall not:
Community college district means a body corporate established by statute as a subdivision of a county or counties or parts of several counties which establish or maintain a community college;
Community college district. Dated: Counsel for School District Dated: EXHIBIT A TYPE OF INSTRUCTION CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT COURSES COURSES AND CREDITS For complete course descriptions, refer to the current College catalog. Districts shall participate in a minimum of 3 college courses each semester (fall and spring) and commit to paying for the minimum seats as follows: 25 seats for schools with 300 or more students; 15 seats for schools between 100 and 299 students; no seat minimum for schools with less than 100 students. Spring minimum seats may be decreased by 2 to allow for attrition. ECN 211 • Principles of Macroeconomics 3 credits ENL 101 • College Composition I 3 credits ENL 102 • College Composition II 3 credits HIS 105 • U.S. History to 1877 3 credits HIS 106 • U.S. History since 1877 3 credits MAT 152 • Advanced Algebra 3 credits MAT 189 • Pre-Calculus Algebra/Trigonometry 3 credits MAT 221 • Calculus I 4 credits MAT 231 • Calculus II 4 credits POS 110 • American Government 3 credits SPA 101 • Elementary Spanish I 4 credits SPA 102 • Elementary Spanish II 4 credits EXHIBIT B FINANCIAL PROVISIONS Fill in the blanks. If the information is not applicable, indicate N/A in the blank. Additional directions for completing this form are in italics.
Community college district means a community college district that is established pursuant to sections 15‑1402 and 15‑1403 and that is a political subdivision of this state and, unless otherwise specified, includes a community college tuition financing district established pursuant to section 15‑1409.