cognitive definition

cognitive means “to know” or “to think”. Therefore, cognitive therapy is exploring your thoughts to understand how you feel and to explain what you do. Cognitive therapy explores the underlying thoughts, beliefs, and values that influence your perceptions that influence your feelings and behaviour.
cognitive as used in this chapter means the ability of an individual to solve problems with insight, to adapt to new situations, to think abstractly and to profit from experience.
cognitive means relating to cognition;

More Definitions of cognitive

cognitive and, together with IPB and Stadia, the "Guarantors") and The Bank of New York], as trustee. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Indenture. ______________, (the "Transferor") owns and proposes to transfer the Note[s] or interest in such Note[s] specified in Annex A hereto, in the principal amount of $___________ in such Note[s] or interests (the "Transfer"), to __________ (the "Transferee"), as further specified in Annex A hereto. In connection with the Transfer, the Transferor hereby certifies that: [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]
cognitive and, together with IPB and Stadia, the "Guarantors") and The Bank of New York], as trustee. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Indenture. , (the "Owner") owns and proposes to exchange the Note[s] or interest in such Note[s] specified herein, in the principal amount of $ in such Note[s] or interests (the "Exchange"). In connection with the Exchange, the Owner hereby certifies that:
cognitive and, together with IPB and Stadia, the "Guarantors") and The Bank of New York], as trustee. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Indenture. In connection with our proposed purchase of $____________ aggregate principal amount of:
cognitive means mental. After the athlete is completely symptom free for a period of 24-hours with no mental stimulation, try incorporating 30-45 minutes (MAX) of light reading, homework, TV viewing etc. If the athlete has no symptoms with the addition of light cognitive activity, they can be permitted to move on to stage 3 the following day. If the athlete starts to feel symptoms with the addition of light cognitive activity, they are to drop back to stage 1 for another 24-hour rest period (Stage 1) before attempting stage 2 again.
cognitive as defined in Section 8.7.
cognitive. MindPlay teaches using English language patterns, and students learn the many generalizations and rules that govern its structure. They also learn the best way to apply the language knowledge necessary for achieving reading and writing competencies.
cognitive means that rules are inversely a means to explore the type of collectivity to which we belong, its internal working, what can be achieved, individually and collectively, by participating to its functioning. “Cognition” here implies both reflexivity (we quite generally have a critical look at the relevance of the rules we are following) and, at a higher level, interpretation (application is neither a mechanical nor a computational operation). These two properties play an essential role in the success or failure of what management researchers, such as Argyris and Schön, call “organizational learning”.