Examples of Area of Concern in a sentence
Land Land Disturbance X MDNR Area of concern is less than one acre.
Area of concern is noted(If at the beginning of the school year, after the first 15 duty days of assignment)If the PIP is continuing from the previous year, observations may begin after the first 15 duty days of the new school year.
In order to give roommates an opportunity to work out any conflict and grow as adults, the expectation is that there will be no roommate changes in the first two weeks of the semester without exceptional circumstances.Community & Personal PropertyAn Area of concern among many roommates is the issue of property, including community property (property that can be used by any roommate) and personal property (those “off limit” items).
Area of concern - The incorporated limit of the City of Cooper City and the adjacent municipalities.
We roughly classify Table 1 as contributions to practice, and Table 2 as theoretical contributions, or, Real-world problem and Area of concern, respectively, from Mathiassen et al.