Examples of An Honorary Member in a sentence
An Honorary Member may hold no other type of membership in AHIMA; however, Honorary Members who were Active Members at the time of their appointment shall retain their voting privileges.
An Honorary Member of the Board of Directors shall have the right, but not the obligation, to attend meetings of the Board of Directors and shall receive for such attendance such fee or other compensation as the Board of Directors shall from time to time fix and determine.
An Honorary Member of the Board of Directors shall have the right to participate in any discussions and deliberations at any meeting of the Board of Directors in the same manner and to the same extent as if he were a member of the Board of Directors but shall have no right to vote on or with respect to any resolution adopted or to be adopted, any business transacted or to be transacted, or any action taken or to be taken by the Board of Directors at any such meeting.
An Honorary Member shall have first been a voting member and shall have demonstrated a high level of participation and be generally recognized for his/her contribution.
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An Honorary Member is an individual who is not eligible to be a Student Member, Faculty Member, or Alumni Member but to whom, subject to the approval of the Chapter Advisor, Regional Director, and President, membership is granted as an honor and distinction by a College Chapter or Alumni Chapter.
An Honorary Member shall have no vote and shall be ineligible to hold any elective or appointive office.
An Honorary Member shall be exempt from payment of dues but is entitled to visit the Chapter at any time.
An Honorary Member of the board of directors shall have the right, but not the obligation, to attend meetings of the board of directors and shall receive for such attendance such fee or other compensation as the board of directors shall from time to time fix and determine.
An Honorary Member shall have been a member in good standing for a minimum of twenty-five (25) years and have reached the age of seventy-five (75) and who is currently a member in good standing.