(42) The term definition

(42) The term  torchiere’ means a portable electric lamp with a reflector bowl that directs light upward to give indirect illumination.
(42) The term  status offender’ means a juve-
(42) The term  forward grip’ means a grip located

More Definitions of (42) The term

(42) The term  unit heater’ means a self-con-
(42) The term  torchiere’ means a portable elec-
(42) The term  status offender’ means a juvenile
(42) The term  status offender’ means a juvenile who is charged with or who has committed an offense that would not be criminal if committed by an adult;
(42) The term  unit heater’ means a self-contained fan-type heater designed to be installed within the heated space, except that such term does not include a warm air furnace.’’.
(42) The term  status offender’ means a ju- venile who is charged with or who has com- mitted an offense that would not be criminal if committed by an adult;
(42) The term  status offender’ means—