W A G E S Sample Clauses

W A G E S. Section 1. The minimum hourly rates for the following classifications shall be as follows:
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W A G E S. Se c t io n 3.1— Wage Rates— Weekly, Extra Day and Overtime. Not less than the follow­ ing wages shall be paid during the term of this Contract:
W A G E S. Se c t io n 3.1— Wages Rates— Weekly, Extra Day and Overtime. Not less than the follow­ ing wages shall be paid during the term of this Contract: FIRST CONTRACT YEAR WAGE RATES-OCT. 4, 1964 THRU SEPT. 4, 1965, IN STORES COVERED BY FEDERAL WAGE-HOUR LAW Minimum Weekly W age for Basic Extra Day Rates Hourly Rates* Straight Workweek Full Day Half Day Time Overtime [ 11 ] Head Meat Cutter..... ..... $145.50 $40.51 $18.69 $3.6375 $5.45625 Journeymen .......... 139.00 38.73 17.88 3.475 5.2125 Apprentices: 0 to 6 Months ..... 78.00 21.95 10.25 1.95 2.925 6 to 12 “ ... 86.00 24.15 11.25 2.15 3.225 12 to 18 “ .. .. 94.00 26.35 12.25 2.35 3.525 18 to 24 " ..... 101.00 28.28 13.13 2.525 3.7875 24 to 36 " . . . ..... 109.00 30.48 14.13 2.725 4.0875 Extra Journeyman— $139.00 for a basic workweek; $29.80 per full day: $14.90 per half day. •Hourly rates may be rounded off to the nearest quarter-cent, half-cent or whole cent, depending on the Employer's payroll practice. Any employee receiving above the minimum shall not be increased in hours, nor decreased in wages or working conditions. SECOND CONTRACT YEAR [ 12] WAGE RATES-SEPT. 5, 1965 THRU OCT. 1, 1966, IN STORES COVERED BY FEDERAL WAGE-HOUR LAW Minimum Weekly W age for Basic Workweek Extra Day Rates Hourly Rates* Full Day Half Day Straight Time Overtime Head Meat Cutter..... ..... $145.50 $43.65 $21.83 $3.6375 $5.45625 Journeymen .......... ..... 139.00 41.70 20.85 3.475 5.2125 Apprentices: 0 to 6 Months ..... 78.00 23.40 11.70 1.95 2.925 6 to 12 " .... ..... 86.00 25.80 12.90 2.15 3.225 12 to 18 “ .... 94.00 28.20 14.10 2.35 3.525 18 to 24 “ .... ..... 101.00 30.30 15.15 2.525 3.7875 24 to 36 " ..... 109.00 32.70 16.35 2.725 4.0875 Extra Journeymen—$139.00 for a basic workweek; $29.80 per full day; $14.90 per half day. •Hourly rates may be rounded off to the nearest quarter-cent, half-cent or whole cent, depending on the Employer's payroll practice. Any employee receiving above the minimum shall not be increased in hours, nor decreased In wages or working conditions. THIRD CONTRACT YEAR W AGE RATES-OCT. 2, 1966 THRU OCT. 7, 1967, IN STORES COVERED BY FEDERAL WAGE-HOUR LAW [ 13 ] Workweek Full Day H alf Day Time Overtime Head Meat Cutter..... $150.50 $45.15 $22.58 $3.7625 $5.64375 Journeymen .......... 144.00 43.20 21.60 3.600 5.400 Apprentices: 0 to 6 Months ..... 80.00 24.00 12.00 2.000 3.000 6 to 12 “ .... ..... 88.00 26.40 13.20 2.200 3.300 12 to 18 " ... ..... 96.00 28.80 14.40 2.400 3.600 18 to 24 " ... 104.00...
W A G E S. Apr 16th Oct 16th Apr 16th Apr 16th Apr 16th 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 Class 1 $ 8.00 $ 8.25 $ 8.25 $ 8.25 $ 8.50 Class 2 $ 8.50 $ 8.70 $ 8.70 $ 8.80 $ 9.35 Class 3 $ 9.00 $ 9.50 $ 9.50 $ 9.50 $10.00 Class 4 $10.00 $10.25 $10.35 $10.60 $10.85 Class 5 $11.00 $11.25 $11.50 $11.75 $12.00 Class 6 $12.00 $12.50 $13.00 $13.50 $14.00 Class 7 $13.00 $13.50 $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 Lead Man $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 $15.50 $16.00 Shop Leader $15.00 $15.50 $16.00 $16.50 $17.00 Class 1 Start Class 2 120 days Class 3 1 year Class 4 2 years Class 5 3 years Class 6 4 years Class 7 5 years All raises are effective the first day of the pay period following the scheduled pay raise increase date above. Field Rates: ------------ Rubber Lining and Sand Blasting: $2.00 per hour additional for each class Urethane Lining: 25% of base pay additional Differentials: Afternoon Shift - $ .35 per hour Midnight Shift - $ .50 per hour Boiler Operator - $ .75 per hour
W A G E S. A. Rates of pay as set forth in Wage Schedule “ A ” attached hereto shall remain in effect for the life of this Agreement and shall constitute the basis for determining the wages for time worked.
W A G E S. A. Salaries in each year o f this agreement shall be as follows: The eiitry level salary for all hourly employees, excluding cooks, shall be $10,25 per hour for the duration o f this contract, f i l s entry level shall not be Increased by the percentage .increases set forth below. The entry level salary for cooks as of M y 1,2012 was $17.32 per hour which was increased to $17.64 per hour effective July 1, 2013. This entry level salary shall remain in effect for the deration o f the contract and shall not be further increased by the percentage increases set forth below. Effective M y 1,2012, there shall be a 1.97% increase on the 2011-2012 base wages. Effective July 1,2013, there shall be a 1.98% increase on the 2012-2013 base wages. Effective July 1, 2014, there shall be a percentage increase on the 2013-2014 base wages in an amount that die December, 2013 Change, Average to Average, in the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers - (CPI-U), U.S, City Average exceeds 0.2% with a maximum salary increase not to exceed 1.98%. Effective July 1 2 0 1 5 , there shall be a percentage increase on the 2014-2015 base wages in an amount that the December, 2014 Change, Average to Average, in the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers - (CPI-U), U.S. City Average exceeds 0.19% with a maximum increase not to exceed 1.81%.
W A G E S. Sectio n 1. W a g e Rates— W eekly, Extra D ay an d Overtime. N o t less th a n the f o l lo w in g w a g e s sh a ll b e p a id d u r in g the term o f this C o ntract: FIRST A N D SEC O N D CO N TR AC T YEA R S C O V E R IN G BOTH SERVICE A N D SELF-SERVICE M ARKETS O CTO BER 7, 1961 THRU O CTO B ER 5, 1963 M in im um W e e k ly E x tra D a y R a te s W a g e fo r B asic Full H a lf O v e rtim e W o rk w e e k D a y D a y R a te s * H ead M e a t Cutter. . . $135.50 $29.10 $14.55 $5.08125 J o u r n e y m e n .......... 129.00 27.80 13.90 4.8375 Apprentices: 0 to 6 M o n t h s . . 75.00 17.00 8.50 2.8125 6 to 12 82.00 18.40 9.20 3.075 12 to 18 " .. 89.00 19.80 9.90 3.3375 18 to 24 " . . 94.00 20.80 10.40 3.525 24 to 36 " . . . 100.00 22.00 11 .00 3.750 THIRD CO N TR AC T YEAR C O V E R IN G BOTH SERVICE A N D SELF-SERVICE M A R K E T S - O C T O B E R 5, 1963 THRU O CTO BER 3, 1964 M in im u m W e e k ly W a g e f o r B a sic W o rk w e e k H ead M e a t Cutter. . . $140.50 J o u r n e y m e n .......... 134.00 Apprentices: 0 to 6 M o n th s. . 75.00 6 to 12 83.00 12 to 18 91.00 18 to 24 " . . 97.00 24 to 36 " . . 104.00 Extra D ay Rates Full H a lf O vertim e Day Day Rates* $ 3 0 . 1 0 $ 1 5 . 0 5 $ 5 . 2 6 8 7 5 2 8 . 8 0 1 4 . 4 0 5 . 0 2 5 17.00 8.50 2.8125 18.60 9.30 3.1125 20.20 10.10 3.4125 21.40 10.70 3.6375 22.80 11.40 3.90 * Overtime hourly rates may b e ' rounded off to the nearest quarter-cent, half-cent or whole cent, depending on the Em ployer's payroll practice. A n y e m p lo x x x re x x xx in g a b o v e the m in im u m sh a ll not b e in c re a se d in h o u rs, n o r d e c re a se d in w a g e s o r w o r k in g c o n d itio n s. (over)
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W A G E S. W a g e rates fo r spe c ifie d jo b classifications shall not be less th a n as set fo r th in schedules a tta c h e d hereto, as a p a r t o f this A g re e m e n t a n d shall be m a in ta in e d fo r the life o f this A g re e m e n t. W hen a jo b c lassification is esta blished by the E m ployer, fo r w hich no ra te o f p a y is p ro v id e d in said schedules, th e E m ployer ag re e s to m eet w ith the Union up on its re quest fo r the pu rpose o f n e g o tia tio n s fo r w a g e ra te fo r such classification. The w a g e ra te a g re e d up on as the result o f such n e g o tia tio n s shall be e ffe c tiv e fro m the d a te o f the esta blishm e nt o f the new jo b classificatio n. If a g re e m e n t b e ­ tw e e n the p a rtie s is no t re a ch x x x ith in th ir ty (30 ) days fro m the d a te o f th e Union's re quest fo r such n e g o tia tio n s, th e m a tte r m ay be re fe rre d by e ith e r p a r ty to the a rb itra t io n procedu res as set fo r th in this A g re e m e n t, a n d the decision shall be b in d in g upon the p a rtie s fo r the re m a in in g term o f this A g re e m e n t. P art-xxx e em ployees a f te r six (6 ) m onths service w ill a d va n ce to the b e g in n in g fu ll­ xxx e ra te a n d progress each nine (9) m onths th e re a fte r . It is u n derstood th a t w hen an e m p loyee is assigned to a jo b w ith a xxxxxx xx te o f p a y th e e m p loyee w ill be e n title d to the re g u la r ra te o f p a y , unless d u e to a decrease o f w ork, the e m p loyee has been re g u la r ly assigned to a lo w e r ra te d jo b a n d desires to re ta in such a job ra th e r th a n acce pt a la y o f f. R elief Pay — An e m p lo ye e w ill be assigned to re lie ve a H ead C xxxxxx, Produce D e p a rtm e n t H ead , M e a t D e p a rtm e n t H ead , B oxm an, G ro ce ry D e p a rtm e n t H ead, D a iry - Frozen Food D e p a rtm e n t H e a d , B xxxxx D e p a rtm e n t H ead , Assistant H ead C xxxxxx, Assistant H ead C lerk, a n d Assistant P roduce D e p a rtm e n t H ead , w h o is ab sent fo r on e (1) w eek o r m ore a n d shall receive the m inim um con tract ra te e ffe c tive in the store involve d fo r such xxx e spent on re lie f. , ARTICLE 35 V o t in g T im e , D uring the g e n e ra l elections (N a tio x x x x x x X xxxx) em ployees shall be g ra n te d re a so n a b le xxx x x x x , w ith p a y , to vote p ro v id in g xxx x x x x is necessary. Em ployees shall show p ro o f o f vo tin g re g is tra tio n if ...
W A G E S. Se c t io n 3.1— Wage Rates— Weekly, Extra Day and Overtime. Not less than the follow­ ing wages shall be paid (luring the term of this Contract: SCHEDULE A-FIRST YEAR-10/4/70 THRU 10/2/71 A.1 First Six Months-Wage Rates Effective 10/4/70-4/ 3/ 71: Min. Wkly. Extra Day Rates Hourly Rates Wage for Basic Full Half Straight Workweek Day Day Time Overtime . .$204.50 $61.35 $30,675 $5.1125 $7.66875 . . 196.00 58.80 29.40 4.90 7.35 . . 132.00 39.60 19.80 3.30 4.95 . . 140.00 42.00 21.00 3.50 5.25 . . 148.00 44.40 22.20 3.70 5.55 . . 156.00 46.80 23.40 3.90 5.85 .. 165.00 49.50 24.75 4.125 6.1875 . . 104.00 31.20 15.60 2.60 3.90 . . 112.00 33.60 16.80 2.80 4.20 . . 126.00 37.80 18.90 3.15 4.725
W A G E S. The rates of pay for employees in the classifications listed in Article 1 of this Appendix shall be as set forth in the wage schedules. In any locality where a rate for Resilient Floor Worker and Carpet Layer has not been established by agreement between employers and the Union for construction work of a related nature, the a Resilient Floor Worker and Carpet Layer rate shall be percent of the Xxxxxxxxx Journeyman rate in the locality. The rate for subforemen covered by this Appendix shall be the REV appropriate journeyman rate plus per hour. a Effective May until April will amend the attached wage schedules for the classifications listed in Article 1 of this appendix to conform to the hourly rates paid in the locality by Employers under agreement with the Union for construction work of a related nature. will provide the Council with the current wage schedules.
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