Pollution Pollution means the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, seepage, migration, dispersal, release or escape of pollutants at any time.
Prevention of Corruption The Contractor shall not offer, give, or agree to give anything, to any person an inducement or reward for doing, refraining from doing, or for having done or refrained from doing, any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the Contract or for showing or refraining from showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract.
COMPLIANCE WITH OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH By submission of a bid in response to this solicitation, the Bidder certifies that all material, equipment, etc., contained in their bid meets all OSHA requirements. Bidder further certifies that if they are the awarded Contractor, and the material, equipment, etc., delivered is subsequently found to be deficient in any OSHA requirements in effect on date of delivery, all costs necessary to bring the material, equipment, etc., into compliance with the aforementioned requirements shall be borne by the Contractor.
Fraud Prevention A. To screen its employees and contractors to determine if they have been excluded from Medicare, Medicaid or any federal or state health care program. The Contractor agrees to search monthly the HHS-Office of Inspector General ("OIG") and Texas Health and Human Services Commission Office of Inspector General ("HHSC-OIG") List of Excluded Individuals/Entities ("LEIE") websites to capture exclusions and reinstatements that have occurred since the last search and to immediately report to HHSC-OIG any exclusion information the Contractor discovers. Exclusionary searches for prospective employees and contractors shall be performed prior to employment or contracting. B. That no Medicaid payments can be made for any items or services directed or prescribed by a physician or other authorized person who is excluded from Medicare, Medicaid or any federal or state health care program when the individual or entity furnishing the items or services either knew or should have known of the exclusion. This prohibition applies even when the Medicaid payment itself is made to another contractor, practitioner or supplier who is not excluded. C. That this contract is subject to all state and federal laws and regulations relating to fraud and abuse in health care and the Medicaid program. As required by 42 C.F.R. §431.107, the Contractor agrees to keep all records necessary to disclose the extent of services the Contractor furnishes to people in the Medicaid program and any information relating to payments claimed by the Contractor for furnishing Medicaid services. On request, the Contractor also agrees to furnish HHSC, AG-MFCU, or HHS any information maintained under 42 C.F.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Crisis Response (applicable to any Party and any subcontractors and sub-grantees whose employees or other service providers deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services): Party shall establish a written workplace violence prevention and crisis response policy meeting the requirements of Act 109 (2016), 33 VSA §8201(b), for the benefit of employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party shall, in preparing its policy, consult with the guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Services Workers, as those guidelines may from time to time be amended. Party, through its violence protection and crisis response committee, shall evaluate the efficacy of its policy, and update the policy as appropriate, at least annually. The policy and any written evaluations thereof shall be provided to employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party will ensure that any subcontractor and sub-grantee who hires employees (or contracts with service providers) who deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services, complies with all requirements of this Section.
Prevention IP shall take all appropriate measures to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, and child safeguarding violations, by its employees, personnel or subcontractors. IP shall, inter alia, ensure that its employees, personnel or subcontractors shall have undertaken and successfully completed appropriate training with regard to the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, and training on safeguarding children. Such training shall include but not be limited to: reference to definitions of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, and child safeguarding violations; a clear and unambiguous statement that any form of sexual exploitation and abuse, and any conduct that undermines the safeguarding of children, is prohibited; the requirement that any allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, or child safeguarding violations be promptly reported as provided for in Article 14.4; and the requirement that alleged victims of sexual exploitation and abuse or child safeguarding violations, be promptly informed of and referred to available professional assistance, upon her or his consent.
HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT In the performance of this Contract, Contractor and Operator shall conduct Petroleum Operations with due regard to health, safety and the protection of the environment (“HSE”) and the conservation of natural resources, and shall in particular:
PREVENTION OF BRIBERY 29.1 The Supplier represents and warrants that neither it, nor to the best of its knowledge any Supplier's Personnel, have at any time prior to the Commencement Date: (a) committed a Prohibited Act or been formally notified that it is subject to an investigation or prosecution which relates to an alleged Prohibited Act; and/or (b) been listed by any government department or agency as being debarred, suspended, proposed for suspension or debarment, or otherwise ineligible for participation in government procurement programmes or contracts on the grounds of a Prohibited Act. 29.2 The Supplier shall not during the term of this agreement: (a) commit a Prohibited Act; and/or (b) do or suffer anything to be done which would cause the Authority or any of the Authority's employees, consultants, contractors, sub- contractors or agents to contravene any of the Bribery Act or otherwise incur any liability in relation to the Bribery Act. 29.3 The Supplier shall during the term of this agreement: (a) establish, maintain and enforce, and require that its Sub- contractors establish, maintain and enforce, policies and procedures which are adequate to ensure compliance with the Bribery Act and prevent the occurrence of a Prohibited Act; and (b) keep appropriate records of its compliance with its obligations under clause 29.3(a) and make such records available to the Authority on request. 29.4 The Supplier shall immediately notify the Authority in writing if it becomes aware of any breach of clause 29.1 and/or clause 29.2, or has reason to believe that it has or any of the Supplier's Personnel have: (a) been subject to an investigation or prosecution which relates to an alleged Prohibited Act; (b) been listed by any government department or agency as being debarred, suspended, proposed for suspension or debarment, or otherwise ineligible for participation in government procurement programmes or contracts on the grounds of a Prohibited Act; and/or (c) received a request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage of any kind in connection with the performance of this agreement or otherwise suspects that any person or Party directly or indirectly connected with this agreement has committed or attempted to commit a Prohibited Act. 29.5 If the Supplier makes a notification to the Authority pursuant to clause 29.4, the Supplier shall respond promptly to the Authority's enquiries, co-operate with any investigation, and allow the Authority to audit any books, records and/or any other relevant documentation in accordance with clause 22. 29.6 If the Supplier is in Default under clause 29.1 and/or clause 29.2, the Authority may by notice: (a) require the Supplier to remove from performance of this agreement any Supplier's Personnel whose acts or omissions have caused the Default; or (b) immediately terminate this agreement. 29.7 Any notice served by the Authority under clause 29.6 shall specify the nature of the Prohibited Act, the identity of the Party who the Authority believes has committed the Prohibited Act and the action that the Authority has elected to take (including, where relevant, the date on which this agreement shall terminate).
Waste and Nuisance (a) Tenant shall not commit or permit any waste, including waste as it is defined in the Waste Management Act, S.B.C. 1979 c.41, as amended from time to time, to be brought upon, kept, or used in or about the Premises, the Building, or the Project by Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees, without the prior written consent of Landlord. (b) Tenant shall not commit or permit any damage to the Premises, the Building, or the Project, including the Leasehold improvements and trade fixtures therein. (c) Tenant shall not commit or permit any nuisance in or around the Premises, the Building, or the Project or any use or manner of use causing annoyance to other persons. (d) Except only as may be otherwise permitted under Subsection 1.9(h) below, Tenant shall not use or permit to be used any part of the Premises, the Building, or the Project for any trade or business which is, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord, dangerous, noxious or offensive. (e) Except only as may be otherwise permitted under Subsection 1.9(h) below, Tenant shall not cause or suffer or permit any waste, oil or grease or any harmful, objectionable, dangerous, poisonous or explosive matter or substance to be discharged into the Premises, the Building, or the Project. (f) Tenant shall not place any objects on or otherwise howsoever obstruct the heating or air conditioning vents within the Premises or the Building. (g) Tenant shall keep the Premises free of debris, anything which could create a fire hazard (through undue load on electrical circuits or otherwise) or cause undue vibration, heat or noise. (h) Except as necessary to the ordinary operation of Tenant’s business conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, Tenant shall keep the Premises free of rodents, vermin and anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature. Tenant shall at all times keep Landlord informed of the presence in the Premises of any rodents or vermin or anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature necessary to the ordinary operation of Tenant’s business conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and Tenant shall ensure that they are at all times confined within the Premises, stored and used in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and do not cause any nuisance or annoyance to other persons.
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH A. Consultant will perform the Services in compliance with the most current versions of all laws, standards, rules, and regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and all state and federal laws and regulations relating to safety and health standards. Consultant shall perform the Services in compliance with, will furnish only supplies, articles, and equipment that comply with such laws, standards, and regulations. B. Consultant shall immediately notify Valley Water in the event of any personal injury accident or occurrence occurring during the performance of the Services. Upon Valley Water’s request, Consultant shall provide Valley Water with documentation fully describing the accident and injury and the actions implemented to prevent similar occurrences.