Positive Outcomes. Of Learners who have a Positive Outcome. 93% 8 Provider delivery % Of programmes delivered as per the Annual Delivery Plan. 96% 9 Social Value Staff recruitment from those located in deprived areas or those who face barriers to employment 20% Part 1d– HMP Parc YOI KPIs Children Only Number / % 1 Assessment 100% of all Learners will be assessed for their learning and skills needs within 5 days. WEST is WG preferred tool to assess learners needs. 100% 2 Learning Development Plan % completed in time. 96% 3 Starts % of Children are engaged with their Learning Plan activities 5 days from Induction completion. 96%
Positive Outcomes. The Dublin Policy Meeting was very successful in reaching the goal to involve high level policy makers, researchers, service providers and service users in order to discuss and to identify key elements for ‘impacting policies’.
Positive Outcomes. Children who grow up in a household where a parent has a physical disability experience a variety of positive outcomes as a result (Xxxxx et al., 2006). They learn the importance of family and friends at an early age and show increased flexibility in their roles within the family (NCD, 2012). These children also report stronger family relationships with increased communication and problem-solving abilities (Xxxxxx et al., 2021; Xxxxx et al., 2006). Children of parents with disabilities also experience an increased level of maturity and confidence, likely due to picking up extra household responsibilities (Xxxxxx, Xxxxx, & Xxxxxx, 2021; Xxxxxxxx et al., 2012). These children also learn about topics such as oppression and civil rights at an earlier age and are more equipped to connect with the disability community and advocate for themselves as they grow up (NCD, 2012). One condition that elicits similar positive and negative outcomes for children is multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks myelin, an insulation layer for nerves which helps to increase communication signals within the body (Hunter et al., 2021; Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx & Xxxxxx, 2018). The demyelination of the neurons makes sending messages between neurons in the brain more difficult and it increases the amount of energy necessary to do even the most basic tasks, overall increasing fatigue and causing a variety of other symptoms (Xxxxx & Cavalcanti, 2019). This disease commonly occurs in women, about 75% of the time and the typical age of diagnosis is between twenty and fifty-years old (Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx & Xxxxxx, 2018; Xxxxxxxx et al., 2012). Over the last 20 years, the prevalence of multiple sclerosis has increased 69%, now affecting 2.5 million individuals worldwide (Hunter et al., 2021) There are three types of multiple sclerosis depending on the frequency of symptoms and disease progression. The most common type is relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, where there is a clear onset of increasing symptoms which are followed by periods of recovery and there is no steady progression of disease worsening (Multiple Sclerosis, 2021; Xxxxx & Cavalcanti, 2019). Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis first appears similar relapsing- remitting, but there is a progression of symptoms with periods of plateaus (Multiple Sclerosis, 2021). Primary progressive multiple sclerosis is when there is a disease progression from the start and there may ...
Positive Outcomes. A number of additional experts with a broad range of experiences could be convinced to contribute to the reader. Finally, the quality of the material is regarded as excellent.
Positive Outcomes. According to the National Council on Disability (2012), having a physical disability or chronic condition is not an accurate predictor of parenting abilities. In a scoping review of 29 studies investigating parents with disabilities, Xxxxxx et al., (2020) discovered parenting successfully is possible for individuals with disabilities with additional support such as meaningful relationships, healthcare providers, and community resources. Children also experience both positive and negative outcomes because of their parent’s disability.
Positive Outcomes. The website and first campaign measures show reasonable impact. Experiences are expected to be valuable for other players in this field in Europe.
Positive Outcomes. The strategies, interventions and approaches which have been presented during the seminar and which will be documented on the Cd Rom are highly innovative and full of potential. More and more service providers ask for support in this specific area. The commitment and the expertise of the individual group members is high.
Positive Outcomes from the NSHA process
Positive Outcomes. The draft protocol is more detailed and better developed than initially foreseen or planned. There has been very good cooperation between the group members. 4 See annex draft ‘data collection protocol’
Positive Outcomes from the NSHA process Resources Contacts