Department of Defense a. This Agreement does not cover the procurement of any good described in any Federal Supply Code classification (for complete listing of U.S. Federal Supply Classification, see any of the following Federal Supply Code (FSC), which can be found in the Product Code Section of the Federal Procurement Data System Product and Service Code Manual at xxxxx:// listed below: FSC Reference No. Description
Department of Defense. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, Customer agrees that: (i) the Material is delivered as “Commercial Computer Software” as defined in the Rights in Commercial Computer Software clause at DFARS 227.7202-3; (ii) the Material has been developed entirely at private expense; (iii) Customer is solely responsible for any effects or costs in connection with modifications of the Material independently made by or for DOD including, but not limited to, impacts on compatibility or support; (iv) the Material is deemed to be adequately marked when the legend below is affixed to the Material or its storage media perceptible directly or with the aid of a machine or device, and (v) for the purposes of this Section, DFARS shall include any applicable successor or replacement clause or regulation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Commercial Computer Software clause at DFARS 227.7202-3. The contractor is Trane U.S. Inc., 000-X Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Davidson, NC 28036.
Department of Defense. (a) Chapter 13 (Government Procurement) does not cover procurement of any good described in any Federal Supply Code classification (for complete listing of U.S. Federal Supply Classification, see any of the following Federal Supply Code (FSC), which can be found in the Product Code Section of the Federal Procurement Data System Product and Service Code Manual at xxxxx:// listed below: FSC Description FSC 11 Nuclear Ordnance FSC 1555 Space Vehicles FSC 1675 Space Vehicle Component FSC 1677 Space Vehicle Remote Control System FSC 1725 Space Vehicle Launchers FSC 1735 Space Vehicle Handling and Servicing Equipment FSC 19 Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks (the part of this classification defined as naval vessels or major components of the hull or superstructure thereof) FSC 20 Ship and Marine Equipment (the part of this classification defined as naval vessels or major components of the hull or superstructure thereof) FSC 2310 Passenger Motor Vehicles (only buses) FSC 2350 Combat, Assault & Tactical Vehicles, Tracked FSC 51 Hand Tools FSC 52 Measuring Tools FSC 60 Fiber Optics Materials, Components, Assemblies, and Accessories FSC 8140 Ammunition & Nuclear Ordnance Boxes, Packages & Special Containers FSC 83 Textiles, Leather, Furs, Apparel, Shoe Findings, Tents, and Flags (all elements other than pins, needles, sewing kits, flagstaffs, flagpoles, and flagstaff trucks) FSC 84 Clothing, Individual Equipment, and Insignia and Jewelry (all elements other than sub-class 8457 – jewelry and 8460 – luggage) FSC 89 Subsistence (all elements other than sub-class 8975- tobacco products)
Department of Defense. The Department of Defense officials identi- fied pursuant to Executive Order 12953, sec- tion 302, shall facilitate an employee’s or member’s availability for service of process. Additionally, these officials shall be respon- sible for answering inquiries about their re- spective organization’s service of process rules. Such officials are not responsible for actual service of process and will not accept requests to make such service. Office of the Secretary of Defense Personnel Management Specialist, DoD Ci- vilian Personnel Management Service, 1400 Key Blvd., Level A, Arlington, VA 22209 Department of the Army Members of the uniformed service, active, reserve, and retired. Office of the Judge Advocate General, ATTN: DAJA-LA, 2200 Army Pentagon, Wash- ington, DC 20310–2200, (703) 697–3170. Federal civilian employees of the Army, both appropriated fund and nonappropriated fund.
Department of Defense. Alaska: Alaskan Command, US Air Force and US Army component services operating under United States Pacific Command and United States Northern Command.
Department of Defense. This Chapter does not cover the procurement of the goods listed below. (For complete listing of U.S. Federal Supply Classification, see secrc/fsc-codes/fsc.html):
Department of Defense. The Xxxxx Act, 16 United States Code (U.S.C.) §§ 670a-670o, requires the Secretary of Defense to prepare and implement integrated natural resource management plans (INRMPs) for the conservation and rehabilitation of natural resources on military installations. These plans reflect agreement between the USFWS and the head of each appropriate state fish and wildlife agency concerning conservation, protection, and management of fish and wildlife resources. DoD may enter into cooperative agreements with states, local governments, nongovernmental organizations and individuals to provide for the maintenance and improvement of natural resources on, or to benefit natural and historic research on, DoD installations. An INRMP is a comprehensive plan used to manage installation natural resources by providing and ensuring the sustained use of a landscape necessary to support the military mission in accordance with accepted stewardship principles. It replaces the need for separate management plans for natural resources (for example, endangered species management, forest management, wetlands management, and fish and wildlife management). The INRMP describes how natural resources will be managed for military mission needs and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. It ensures that management of natural resources does not result in a “net loss” of mission training land and describes how ecosystems will be managed to create and maintain certain landscape characteristics needed to enhance military training opportunities. Department of Defense Instruction (XxXX) 4715.3, Environmental Conservation Program, provides guidance to the Services for the integrated management of natural resources on property under DoD control. It also states that natural resources under the stewardship and control of the DoD shall be managed to support and be consistent with the military mission, while protecting and enhancing those resources for multiple use, sustainable yield, and biological integrity. Additionally, Section 2684(a) of Title 10 U.S.C., known as the buffering authority, authorizes the Services to enter into partnerships with private conservation organizations or state and local governments to preserve land and prevent incompatible development around military installations.
Department of Defense. Department of the Air Force In-Progress Air Force Cost Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Assistant Executive Director, Office of Compliance, Consumer Comparisons As of July 1, 1997 Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207–0001. Dated: October 02, 1997. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx, Trail Attorney, Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Trial Attorney, Division of Administrative Litigation, Office of Compliance.
Department of Defense. For FY2021, cost share for your agency is calculated at . Your final cost share due is . You will coordinate directly with the State of Alaska Department of Administration to fulfill your cost share obligation. (NOTE: The costs provided for FY2021 are based on an independent government estimate.)
Department of Defense. Department of the Navy Notice of Availability for Donation of the Patrol Combatant ex-CANON (PG 90) AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DOD. ACTION: Notice.